1. Pain:
_____________ has two types:
2. Nociceptive:
_____________ pain:
Nerve fibersin the PNS & CNS are functioning and intact, includes 4 phases:
1) transduction
2) transmission
3) perception
4) modulation
3. Neuropathic:
___________________pain: does not follow predictable phases
-abnormal processing
-difficult to assess/treat
-pain occurs after site heals (2-3 years)
-narcotics/morphine tend not to work
-pain is not measurable
4. Transduction/transmission/perception/modulation:
Nociceptive pain phases:
1) :noxious stimulus to somatic/visceral structures, neurotransmitter
released to spinal cord
2) : pain impulse moves from spinal cord to brain (thalamus)
3) : conscious awareness of pain once impulse travelsto cortex (from
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