1. An uncooperative 70 year old male with right-sided paralysis from a recent
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) hasto be transferred from the bed to a wheel-chair. which
actions indicates the best method to transfer this patient?:
Answer A full-body sling lift is used with the help of a UAP
2. After instruction, which action by a patient who can bear weight on bothfeet indicates
an understanding of the proper use of crutches?:
Answer moving theopposing crutch and leg together for two-point crutch walk
3. What bony prominences are at greatest risk forskin breakdown on a patientwho is
restricted to bed rest and placed in the side-lying position?:
Answer ears, elbows, hips
4. Which area of the central nervoussystem has most likely sustained damageif a patient
exhibits a lack of coordination and an unsteady gait after a traumatic head injury?:
Answer Cerebellum
5. A nurse is providing patient education on the prevention of osteoporosis. which
important fact should the nurse include in the teaching care plan?:
Answer calcium should be taken with vitamin d to increase calcium absorption
6. What nursing intervention would be most effective in preventing flaccidityin a
hospitalized patient?:
Answer early ambulation after surgery
7. Identify all nursing interventions that are necessary when caring for quad-riplegic
patient injured 2 years earlier in a motor vehicle accident. (select all that apply):
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