1. Nursing Alliance for Quality care focus?:
Answer supports quality patient-centered health care.In partnership with the ANA.
Published guidelines that support the coreprinciples of patient-centered care.Mission:
advance the highest quality, safety, andvalue of customer centered health care for all
individual patients, their families, andtheir communities.
2. Nursing process (6 steps):
2. Assessment
3. Patient Problem
5. Implementation
3. Nursing process:Concept:
Answer centers its focus for nursing care around the reasonthe care is being provided to
the patient. More holistic view of the pt rather than thedisease model
4. Nursing process: assessment:
Answer Nurse gathersinfo from patient about health andlifestyle. Includes both objective
and subjective data
5. Nursing process: Patient problem:
Answer Made based on analysis of the assessmentdata and determines the type of care pt
will receive
6. Nursing process: planning:
Answer nurse uses data collected to set goals or expectedoutcomes and interventions
that address the patients problems
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