1. What are standard precautions?:
Answer They are used during every patient inter-action. Includes: hand hygiene, use of
PPE, respiratory hygiene, safe injection practices, and disinfection of soiled surfaces and
2. What are the components of the Infection Cycle?:
1. Infectious agent (virus,bacteria, fungi)
2. Reservoir (habitat of organism)
3. Portal of exit (point of escape)
4. Means of transmission
5. Portal of entry (point of entry)
6. Susceptible host
3. What are the means of transmission?:
Answer direct contact, indirect contact, airborneroute
4. When we are removing a damp, soiled dressing, what are we preventing the dressing
from becoming?:
Answer we are preventing the dressing from becoming areservoir
5. What is virulence?:
Answer severity of disease
6. What are some examples of patients that might be immunosuppressed?: -
Answer someone with HIV, underlying comorbidities, people that drink contaminated
water,people on corticosteroids, patients that are receiving chemotherapy
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