1. What it acute decompensated heart failure: Answer Exacerbation of chronic heartfailure 2. What are the clinical manifestations of acute decompensated heart failureAnswer Fluid overload, SOB, fatigue 3. Symptoms of acute decompensated heart failure: Answer Jugular Vein Distension(JVD) edema dyspnea orthopnea paroxysmal nocturnal dyspneaN/V weight gain or losshepamegaly pulmonary rales cardiac gallops S3 or S4pleural effusion 4. What can acute decompensated heart failure lead to: Answer pulmonary edema 5. What is acute kidney injury (AKI)?: Answer - Abrupt reduction in renal function with elevated BUN and creatinine and Cystatin C levels (biomarker of kidney function). - Usually associated with oliguria (<30>
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