1. Naegel's Rule:
Answer Using 1st day of LMP. Subtract 3, and add 1 year and 7 days
2. Most common site for breast tumors:
Answer Tail of Spence.
3. Respiratory distress in children:
When s/sx are present, the child is already introuble.
Infants are nose breathers until about 3 months;decreased reserves.They compensate until
they crash.
4. Pneumothorax:
Answer collapsed lung, air in the pleural cavity.
5. Causes of pneumothorax:
Answer Blunt or penetrating injury, foreign body, medicalprocedures, mechanical
ventilation, lung disease.
6. Types of pneumothorax:
1. Primary spontaneous = no underlying lung disease-young, male, thin, tall, smoker
2. Secondary spontaneous =underlying pulmonary disease. - air leaks into lung
parenchyma and enters plural space.
3. Traumatic = due to trauma to lung tissue or chest
4. Tension = injury in chest wall. air enters pleural space on inspiration but doesn'tleave
on expiration. Air builds, compressing lung
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