1. HPIseizures:
Answer did you fall,shrill cry, motor activity, loss of consciousness, chewingor lip
smacking, post-ictal
2. HPI pain:
Answer sudden or progressive, deep aching, throb or stabbing, where is pain,radiate
3. HPI gait coordination:
Answer lose balance, fall forward\backward, feel stiff, legs giveway
4. HPI weakness parathesia:
Answer sudden onset, with activity, tingling, numbness orconfusion, chronic illness,
medications like zidovudien or chemotherapy
5. CNI:
Answer test the patient's ability to identify familiar odors, such as coffee & mintextract,
one naris at a time with the eyes closed
6. CNII:
Answer test visual acuity and the visual fields
Answer assess the 6 cardinal points of gaze; inspect eyelids for drooping; &observe pupils
for equality of size, shape, & reaction to light & accommodation
8. Headaches -severe unremitting
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