1. Otitis externa: Answer Topical agentssuch as acetic acid drops, polymyxin B, neomycin,aminoglycoside opthalmic solution or quinolone otic. Topical agents are acceptableunless AOM suspected (fever, internal pain, preauricular/cervical chain lymphadenopathy) 2. Bacterial conjunctivitisteaching: Answer Highly contagious,spread by contact/objects,if no improvement with tx or condition worses, see opthamo logist. People who wearcontact lensesshould avoid wearing the lenses during the first 24 hours oftreatment,or until the eye is no longer red.The contact case should be thrown away and the contacts disinfected overnight or replaced (if disposable), do not share hygiene products, hand washing 3. Group A Streptococcus: Answer Treatment is penicillin V or amoxicillin (alternativescephalosporin, clindamycin, macrolides) Treatment to prevent rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart, glomerulonephritis Rest, adequate fluid intake, avoidance of resp irritants, NSAIDs/APAP for pain/fevercontrol Scarlatiniform skin rash and/or strawberry tongue= scarlet feverCentor criteria < 3>
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