The physical exam of an established 7-month-old client - diagnosed with spastic
cerebral palsy – will mostly likely be positive for which signs?
Increased deep tendon reflexes and sustained clonus
Dystonic posturing and sustained clonus
Abnormal involuntary movements and increased deep tendon
Nystagmus and absent reflexes
Question 2 1 / 1 point
A 4-year-old client, who is new to the clinic, presents for a sick visit. However,
upon exam the provider discovers that the client has flaccid paralysis over the
lower extremities, absent deep tendon reflexes, lack of response to touch and
pain, and has a saclike cyst on the lower back. What is the most probable
Viral gastroenteritis
Shunt infection
Question 3 1 / 1 point
A 7-month old female client presents to the clinic to establish care. During the
visit, the parents report that their daughter was developing as expected during
the first 5 months of life but they fear that her development has plateaued. Over
the last two months she has become withdrawn and has lost skills previously
performed like partial hand skills and acquired spoken language. The provider
notes on exam excessive bruxism, periods of apnea followed by hyperpnea, hand
wringing, and spastic para¬paresis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Rett Syndrome
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Damage
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Question 4 0 / 1 point
An apparently healthy 7-year-old client, presents to the clinic complaining of
left-sided facial paralysis that occurred suddenly. The client denies any sensory
loss but reports difficulty closing the left eyelid. The provider suspects the client
has Bell’s Palsy. Which cranial nerve is most likely affected in this condition?
Question 5 0 / 1 point
A 2-year-old client, who is unknown to the clinic, is presented as a walk-in after
experiencing two seizures last night when the temperature spiked to 102°F.
During the visit, the provider learns that the client is currently being treated for a
viral illness. In the clinic, the client’s temperature is 100°F. The provider informs
the parent that febrile seizures may reoccur. Although rarely required, what
prophylactic medication can the provider prescribe? (select all that apply)
Diazepam 0.33 mg/kg by mouth every 8 hours for 2 to 3 days
Diazepam 0.5mg/kg by suppositories once per day
Phenytoin 0.33mg/kg by mouth every 8 hours for 2 to 3 days
Phenytoin 0.5mg/kg by suppositories once per day
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