Module 9 Content Review
● Actions, behaviors, and institutional arrangements against or in favor of an individual or
group of people based on one’s age
○ Different attitudes
○ Stereotyping
○ Prejudice
○ Biases
● Negative perceptions lead to age discrimination in society
● A complex domain that includes cognitive, behavioral, and emotional symptoms.
● Ageism is also prevalent in the healthcare sector
○ Healthcare professionals are less likely to involve older patients in treatment
decisions and are more likely to communicate in disrespectful ways with older
adults compared with younger adults.
● Often the young separate themselves emotionally from the old and view old age as less
● The labor force and the work setting is another important social arena reflects issues of
○ Many employers perceive older workers as costly and less productive
■ Older adults have a hard time finding a job
■ In many cases may be the first to be laid off due to budget cuts
● Inappropriate behavior towards a member of a certain age group.
● Discrimination towards older adults is witnessed in employment, family life, social life,
sex life, and health care systems
● The best task to guard oneself against biases toward older adult clients is to education
on the elderly population
● Nurses are active players in handling age discrimination
○ it is important for one to develop a better understanding of society and use
appropriate advocate actions.
● Some older adults respond to age discrimination with passive acceptance, whereas
others speak up for their rights.
● Negative stereotypes or negative attitudes towards a certain age group.
● Misconceptions about aging may impair behaviors towards older adults and the quality
of services provided.
● Experiences of the elderly have a major impact on a society's perceptions of old age.
● Western cultures tend to associate “old age” with frailty, less value, unattractive and poor
● Society's attitude towards old age is influenced by ones experiences, cultural beliefs and
Interdisciplinary team approach
● Elderly care requires an interdisciplinary team approach and nurses have an undeniable
place and importance in this team.
● As today’s nursing students are tomorrow’s care staffs, their positive attitudes towards
old age and old people will have effects on the quality of services they will give .
● Studies have found that students have both positive and negative attitudes in relation to
older adult care. However it is proposed that attitudes change positively after one
receives gerontology training or clinical experience
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