NUR 2571 Exam 2 Study Guide
Cardiovascular Disorders
• Any kind of disorder that interferes with pump
• It can be peripheral vascular diseases that interrupt blood flow
• As age increase things don’t pump the same
• Arterial sclerosis is when narrowing begins to happen
o Pt. starts to experience decreased cardia output
• Increased size of myocardium – heart muscle that has pumped a long time
o Think about 90-year old’s, not many things last 90 years
▪ Remember heart is just tissue and muscle
▪ Age and high BP causes issues and heart gets larger
• Atherosclerosis – “at” being the fat in there (there meaning the arteries lol)
o Start having edema and varicose veins
• Different tests
o Main test surrounding heart damage is troponin which should be less than 0.04
o Troponin shows what damage is going onto the heart even if EKG is normal
▪ Non-STEMI (non-ST elevated MI)
▪ Patients will come in with no chest pain yet have slurred speech,sweating, out
of it, BM (known as MI BM because everything relaxes and pts poop)
o Myoglobin shows what damage is to the muscle
▪ You can have heart attack 20 years ago and still have damage to myoglobin
therefore it is not the FIRST test to look at, yet it is still important
• Conditionsthat cause different cardiac disorders
o Hypo and Hypertension (hypertension being most important)
▪ Hypertension the leading cause of MI (heart attack), kidney damage, CHF,
Stroke, atherosclerosis, arterial sclerosis, (walls stiffen and harden)
▪ Hypertension is a beast
• Cardiomyopathy – weakening of the heart muscle
▪ Muscle becomes enlarges,stretched, Sterling’s Law
▪ Not able to pump the same
o Primary Cardiomyopathy – medical field not sure what causes it
o Secondary Cardiomyopathy usually linked to something else, Long standing
hypertension, congenital heart problems, etc.
o Dilated (Congested Cardiomyopathy)
▪ Pumped up and gotten big so many times that it has stayed open
▪ Can lead to CHF
▪ Not able to get all blood out which can lead to blood clots or a fib
▪ Watch for STROKES
▪ pt. will be on anticoagulants
▪ if disease progresses, bc treatment not working, heart transplant may be only
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