Module 1: Problem Set
Due No due date Points 5 Questions 40 Time Limit None
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LATEST Attempt 1 18,520 minutes 5 out of 5
Score for this quiz: 5 out of 5
Submitted Jan 29 at 2:58pm
This attempt took 18,520 minutes.
Question 1 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
What is the definition of “pathophysiology”?
is the changes that happens with disease and how that effects how the
whole body functions.
Pathophysiology is defined as not only the cellular and
organ changes that occur with disease, but also the effects
that these changes have on total body function.
Module 1: Problem Set: Pathophysiology-2021- Stepp 1/30/22, 4:41 PM Page 2 of 29
Question 2 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
Name the 5 etiologic factors and give an example if listed.
1- biologic agents such as viruses and bacteria.
2- physical force such as trauma or burns.
3- chemical agents like alcohol and /or poisons
4-genetic inheritance such as congenital heart defect.
5-nutrition deficiency or lack there of.
Biologic agents (bacteria, viruses), physical forces (trauma,
burns, radiation), chemical agents (poisons, alcohol), one’s
genetic inheritance, and nutritional excesses or
Question 3 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
What are the 2 types of risk factors?
1- congenital condition meaning the was born with it
2- acquired defect which means it happened after birth
Module 1: Problem Set: Pathophysiology-2021- Stepp 1/30/22, 4:41 PM Page 3 of 29
Risk factors can be categorized as congenital conditions
(present at birth) or acquired defects (occurring after birth).
Question 4 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
What is the difference between morphology and histology?
Morphology is the core structure of the cell and tissue
Histology is the study of the cell and extracellular matrix of the body
Morphology is defined as the fundamental structure or form
of cells or tissues. Histology is the study of the cells and
extracellular matrix of body tissues.
Question 5 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
Describe the difference between signs and symptoms and give an
example of each.
Module 1: Problem Set: Pathophysiology-2021- Stepp 1/30/22, 4:41 PM Page 4 of 29
Sing are the manifestation of the disease which a health care
professional cab observe such a swollen limbs and/or changes in the
symptom is subjective for example breathing difficulties, dizziness
A symptom is a subjective complaint, for example pain,
trouble breathing, or dizziness. A sign is an objective
manifestation, for example an elevated temperature, a
swollen extremity, or changes in pupil size.
Question 6 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
What are 3 important processes when coming to a diagnosis?
1-physical examination
2- diagnostic tests
3- patiens history
The diagnostic process requires a careful history, physical
examination (PE), and sometimes diagnostic tests.
Module 1: Problem Set: Pathophysiology-2021- Stepp 1/30/22, 4:41 PM Page 5 of 29
Question 7 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
Explain validity, reliability, sensitivity, and specificity.
1 validity is the how/what toll measure i.e bp cuff
2- reliability is the likelihood of same result occurring with repeated
3- sensitivity is the proportion of the people with disease who tested
positive for that disease.
4- specificity are the people without the disease who tested negative
for the disease, also know as true result
Validity is how a tool measures what it is intended to
measure. Reliability is how likely the same result will occur
if repeated. Sensitivity is the proportion of people with a
disease who are positive for that disease. Specificity are
people without the disease who are negative on a given
Question 8 0 / 0 pts
Your Answer:
Define epidemiology and name some things that it tracks
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