Olive Chaney ihuman case study: what are the questions to ask?
which differential diagnoses and which tests need to be ordered? what is his
lead and alternate diagnoses? management plan? thanks! 1
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Olive Chaney - Pediatrics CC - rash Diagnosis - Exanthema subitum -
Exanthema subitum (HHV6/roseola), human parvovirus 19, rubella (german
measles), Measles, URI • No tests are recommend ed. Diagnosis is clinical
based. Problem Statement: ( Demographic description - chief complaint - Hx
and PE key findings - risk factors ) Olive Chaney is a 2 year old girl brought in
by her mother with complaint of a rash. The rash started this morning on her
abdomen and has spread to extremities. Her mother reports Olive has not
been itching the rash. 3 days prior Olive had cough coryza that have
persisted and a high fever (103F) that resolved yesterday. PE shows a pink
macropapular rash on abdomen and extremities and eye inspection shows
pink conjunctivae.
What is exanthem subitum?
Exanthem subitum is an infection caused by a virus. This condition is most
common in children 2 years of age and younger.
what are the questions to ask?
does the child have a fever? how long?
does he child have a rashes? when and where did it start?
does the patient have diarrhea?
is the patient weak? dehydrated?
what are the medication taken?
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