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A Strategy for the nurse executive in consideration of costs
when preparing a presentation for a new program is a : -
ANSWER- break-even analysis
What is breakeven analysis? - ANSWER- Volume at which total
revenues equal total costs
At this point, the firm does not make a profit or suffer a loss
Financial formulas - Projected Annual Patient Days -
ANSWER- Average daily census X 365 days per year
Financial formulas - hours of care per year - ANSWERAverage daily census X nursing hours pt day X 365 day
Financial formulas -Full Time equivalent (FTE) - ANSWERhours of care per year divided by 2080 (employee w/o benefit
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Financial formulas - benefit time - ANSWER- vacation hours +
holiday hours +sick hours + personal hours
Financial formulas - productive time - ANSWER- 2080 - benefit
Financial formulas - Adjusted FTE - ANSWER- hours of care
per year divided by productive time
How many FTE's do you need? You are a nurse manage and
have the following data available to you: 3.8 nursing hours per
patient day, average daily census of 40 patients, staff benefits of
14 vacation, 6 holiday, 12 sick (32) - ANSWER- 1) Find
projected annual hours of care (40 X 3.8 X 365) = 55, 480
2) Find Benefit Hours (multiple 8 times the days they have - so
they have 32 total days X 8 = 256
3) Find productive hours (2080-256 = 1842)
4) Find Adjusted FTE's (divide annual hours of care by adjusted
FTE's 55480/1824 = 30.41)
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Continuous Coverage Factor in Nursing - ANSWER- to cover
one eight-hour shift for 7 days requires 1.4 FTE's (56 hours/40) -
to cover three 8-hour shifts for 7 days requites 4.2 FTE's
What is Variance Analysis? - ANSWER- Three factors that
effect budget are volume, use or quantity (efficiency) and price
or ratio
How to complete a variance analysis process ? - ANSWER- 1)
comput efficiency volume
2) compute volume variance
3) compute cost variance
Using the information below, what is the total FTE Staff and RN
staff needed for the upcoming week? Unit 1 North
24-bed unit
Projected Census 100%
Ratio 1:6
Operations 2:7
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3 eight hour shifts per day
RN constitute 75% of staff - ANSWER- 1) Calculate staffing
number per shift (24 beds at 100% =24 patients, 24 patients at
1:6 ratio - 4 per shift)
2) Calculate staff per day - 3 shifts per day X 4 staff = 12 staff
per day
3) Calculate FTE for 24/7 - 1.4 X 12 staff/day + 16.8 FTE staff
per week
4) Calculate RN FTE needed - 75% are RN's 16. FTE staff/week
= 12.6 RN FTE/week
What is Gross National Product (GNP)? - ANSWER- GNP
(Gross National Product) is the measurement tool of the market
value of all final goods and services produced by residents of a
country regardless of whether or not the resident produces the
goods or services domestically or abroad. (Emphacize the word
What is N-STAT? - ANSWER- Nurse strategic action team -
composed of thousands of nurses, how to contact legislators
about issues, provides information about key bills
As leaders what is the most valuable organizational resource?,Leverage diversity is critical to workplace today. what is the approximate breakdown of diversity of the nursing workforce,What are the three main components of leverage diversity?,What is the Wagner Act of 1935? VANESSA aim,What is the Wagner Act of 1935? VANESSA aim,What is the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947?,What is the extension of the Wagner Act in 1974?,What is collective bargaining?,Who are public vs private organizations union managed by?,What is a Right-to-work state?,Collective Bargaining Pros,Collective Bargaining Cons,A staff nurse asks the nurse leader, prior to an election vote on unionization, if the staff nurses will be mandated to pay union dues as a condition of employment if the union is voted in. The nurse leader refers the staff nursing to the:,What is the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?,Which of the following is a violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA),What is the Equal Pay Act of 1963?,What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964? amended in 1980/1991,What is Equal Opportunity Employment Commission?,What is affirmative action?,What is Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970?,What is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?,What is the Nurse Practice Act?,Is drug testing allowed in the workplace?,What is the goal of conflict management?,What is lateral violence in nursing?,What is human capital management?,Healthcare workers are four times more like to experience violence than other professions,what is a budget?,As a nursing manager, what does the budget do for me?,What are the 5W's for budgeting?,What is one fo the weakest points of a budget?,What is the operating budget - annual?,What is program budget?,What is capital budget?,What are capital items?,What is a fixed budget?,What is a variable budgeting?,What is zero-based budgeting?,What is a Buisness plan,What is a pro forma statement?,What is continuous budget?,what are cost reduction opportunities in nursing?,Budgeting is planning and controlling - what is planning and controlling?,What is Revenue Management?,What is gross revenue?,What is net revenue?,What is contractual allowance?,What is bad debt?,What is nursing productivity?,A Strategy for the nurse executive in consideration of costs when preparing a presentation for a new program is a :,What is breakeven analysis?,Financial formulas - Projected Annual Patient Days,Financial formulas - hours of care per year,Financial formulas -Full Time equivalent (FTE),Financial formulas - benefit time,Financial formulas - productive time,Financial formulas - Adjusted FTE,How many FTE's do you need? You are a nurse manage and have the following data available to you: 3.8 nursing hours per patient day, average daily census of 40 patients, staff benefits of 14 vacation, 6 holiday, 12 sick (32),Continuous Coverage Factor in Nursing,What is Variance Analysis?,How to complete a variance analysis process ?,Using the information below, what is the total FTE Staff and RN staff needed for the upcoming week? Unit 1 North 24-bed unitProjected Census 100%Ratio 1:6Operations 2:73 eight hour shifts per dayRN constitute 75% of staff,What is Gross National Product (GNP)?,What is N-STAT?,What is N-STAT,What are PACs and what do they do?,What is MAP-IT?,What is FOCUS Performance improvement model?,What is Joseph Jurans Quality Improvement Process,What is Six Sigma?,What is DMAIC?,What are ANA nursing Code of Ethics?,Is the ANA Nurses Bill of Rights a legal document?,What is NCSBN Model Act?,What are Medicare reimbursement rates?,What is Medicare A?,What is Medicare Part B?,What is Medicare Part D?,What is prospective payment system? Medicare,What is Medicaid?,What is upcoding?,What is unbundling?,Who manages Corporate Compliance Programs for healthcare industry?,What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?,What is Title IX of Civil Rights Act?,What is the 1991 Civil Rights Act?,What is contributory negligence?,What is Comparative negligence?,When do you have to report HIPAA violations?,What is the HITECH Act of 2009?,What is HCAHPS?,What are Accountable Care Organizations?,What is Patient-centered medical home?,What is throughput?,What is a decentralized organization?,What is the Patient's Bill of Rights?,What is MedWatch?,What is the Safe Medical Device Act of 1990? also called Safe Medical Practices Act,What are Nurse-sensitive indicators?,What are IHI bundles?,What are ORYX indicators?,What is the leapfrog group?,What is the Magnet Recognition Program?,What is National Quality Core Measures?,What is systems theory?,What is chaos theory?,What is Change theory?,What is Roger's theory?,What is Rogers Diffusion of innovation theory,What is Lewin's Change Model?,What is Lewin's Force Field Analysis?,What is a GPO?,What is bureaucratic control?,What factors influence organizational structures?,What is market share?,What is public law?,What is private law?,What is criminal law?,What is civil law?,What is statutory law?,What is res judicata?,What is stare decisis?,What is res ipsa loquitur?,What is respondeat superior?,What is charitable immunity?,What is sovereign immunity?,What is tort law?,What is negligence?,What are the portions of malpractice suit ?,What are the four elements that must be present in a malpractice suit?,Nursing standards of care -,What are defenses against professional negligence acts?,What is a contract?,What is a bundled pilot program?,What is epistemology?,What is validity?,What is internal validity?,What is external validity?,What is reliability?,What is the idependent variable?,What is a dependent variable?,What is nominal data?,What is ordinal data?,What is interval data?,What is ratio data?,What is a t-test used for?,What is ANOVA used for?,What is the Chi-square test?,What is an IRB review board?