1 | P a g e NURSE EXECUTIVE CERTIFICATION EXAM NEWEST 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 170 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A The failure or refusal to hire an individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin is specifically prohibited by: - ANSWER- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Union-organizing activities are occurring at an institution. According to National Labor Relations Board regulations, the institution's management may: - ANSWER- distribute information to workers about the union's record on dues, strikes, and other aspects of its performance. A nursing department's materials budget for the previous accounting period indicates a negative variance of 20%. To assess the cause of the variance, the nurse executive: - ANSWER- examines the census and acuity levels for the accounting period 2 | P a g e To identify the nursing staff needed for a new inpatient unit, the nurse executive's first action is to: - ANSWER- determine the patient care needs and time required to meet those needs. The Patient Self-Determination Act is intended to ensure that patients: - ANSWER- are asked questions about advance directives An essential component of an ambulatory care nursing delivery model that produces quality patient outcomes is: - ANSWERpatient and family education. The final step in a performance appraisal is to: - ANSWERreach consensus on future goals. The first step in a remedial action program for an employee whose clinical performance does not meet standards is to: - ANSWER- determine whether the problem is related to a lack of knowledge or a lack of skill. Which is an accurate statement about the shared governance professional practice model? - ANSWER- Staff members selected by their peers participate on committees or decisionmaking councils. 3 | P a g e Research suggests that a nurse executive most effectively improves employee job satisfaction by: - ANSWER- increasing staff autonomy. When meeting with a staff nurse to discuss performance concerns, a nurse executive states, "When you repeatedly avoid taking reports on a patient who transfers to our unit, it delays care of the patient and can delay admissions to the transferring unit." What communication style is the nurse executive demonstrating? - ANSWER- Assertive Three accepted determinants for measuring quality are structure, outcome, and: - ANSWER- process. Through the process of risk management, the nurse executive prevents patient care problems by: - ANSWER- analyzing situations that mitigate the impact of adverse effects. A high-volume, procedural based unit experiences significant patient wait times. Leading the team in a continuous quality improvement analysis, the nurse executive begins by constructing a: - ANSWER- fishbone diagram. Referent power is based on: - ANSWER- admiration. 4 | P a g e The nurse executive, who is newly appointed to a clinical service, notices that staff members appear to deliver care in a disorganized, fragmented, superficial, and task-oriented manner. The nurse executive: - ANSWER- schedules conferences with the staff members to discuss basic values and beliefs about nursing and begin establishing mutual goals. The nurse executive wants to expand services by offering a birthing center, which the community currently lacks. To justify the need for the center, the nurse executive first: - ANSWERconducts a market research study To enhance the successful marketing of a nursing service, the nurse executive establishes the: - ANSWER- specific mission and goals of the service. Quantitative research is appropriately used to: - ANSWERpredict future clinical outcomes. A family practice clinic decides to develop a new care coordinator position. When evaluating the role, the nurse executive: - ANSWER- determines the effect on the clinic's financial productivity. 

Who focused on hygiene and sanitation and believed strongly in continuing education?,Who organized the American Red cross and was responsible for relief operations during the Civil War?,Who was the nurse who became responsible for construction of state psychiatric hospitals?,Conductor of undergrown railraod who assisted Clara Barton to tend to wounded soldiers during the Civil War.,Born into slavery, nursed Union soldiers, worked to improve sanitary conditions, got food and clothing for black soldiers,Radical changes in nursing education, reduced student work day from 10 to 8 and eliminated FREE private duty services,Created FNS Frontier Nursing Service- 1st midwifery training school,did a study which resulted in establishment of associate degree nursing education,Nursing leader and women's right activist giving women the right to vote- also a key figure in community nursing and introduced nuring in schools,Early theorist who taught "a patient is a person who requires help toward independence",America's first African American Nurse,a psychiatric nurse- described Nurse- Client relationships,America's first trained nurse- also key figure in development of nursing education, moved from hosp to hosp an improvement campaign,opened FIRST birth control clinic with her sister in Brooklyn,Founder of public health nursing - established a neighborhood nursing service in NYC,Religion-  Protestant Churches- women subordinate to men- nurse most menial of servants,Earliest counterpart to community health nurses- worldly items were of no concern to nurses, nurses required strict obedience, devotion, and setting aside themselves,Roman Catholic society - sister nurses nursed cholera pt's Mercy Hospitals,sisters that visited pt's in homes, hosp, and poorhouses and asylums. Deveoped educational programs for Nurses,Earliest organization for Men in Nursing. Raised standards of education, culture. Care of the sick was above others duties of Monk. Emphasized Bathing,Founded during Crusades- staffed 2 hospitals in Jerusalem,MilitaryNursing Service formed, Florenece Nightingale cleaned up the hosp, orderlies scrubbed often, camp followers scrubbed clothes, and vermin were under control,Phiadelphia Dispensary was fomed for free pt care, homes and barns were makeshift hosp, women left during war were there to care for sick and injured Controlled disease and smallpox vaccination was given,Public saw the need for trained nurses, Clara Barton, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth tended to the soldiers,Nursing schools were already established and Isabel Robb developed a plan for managing nurses,Increased demand for nurses, Army School of Nursing - nurses needed to be unmarried and of good moral character,Bolton Act created the US Caet Nurse Corps. Nurses got full military commission, post war- Hill Burton Act,Care focused on soldiers and victims of war,*Nursing Organizations Concerns itself with social and economic welfare of nurses, the role of the nurse, the nursing organizations and their their gverning bodies,For RN'S- Is involved in all issues that nursing has confronted with Legislation, Collective bargaining, advancement of profession,Was formed to assist collegiate schoold of nursing to improve higher education for nursing.,Was formed to provide accrediation,Provides a legal regulatory bodies of all states to act together re: boards, exams, licensing,Baccalaureate program honorary organization for exceptional standards,For those who have made significant contributions to nursing- honorary part of ANA,Student nursing organization,4 Purposes to 1. speak for associate degree nursing education and practice 2. Reinforce the value of that degree 3. maintain endorsement for grads with associte degree, 4. retain the RN exam for assocaite degree grads,Organization for nurses who design, facilitate, and manage care,Purpose is to work toward uiform terminology and definitions in nursing diagnosis, and t share these ideas.,Free or low cost screens & health info,Different financial situations change ins. coverage, ability to get care and what type of care,Healtth Maintainance Program which are prepaid, group managed care, usually have to stay "in network of md's",Healthcare provided in defined demo area. Is centered to individuals and family,system in which the use of healthcare services are controlled and monitored there are usually protocols for tx and is usually preapproved,used by HMO's & PPO's to keep costs low - usually seen as a way to deny tx,wearable/ implantable monitors for medical conditions,wearable/ implantable insulin or glucose pumps, medicated stents,3 types of health organizations,contact with pt. is minutes to hours,Provides care to pts where stay is less than 24 hours,care is more than 24 hours but less than 30 days,longer than 30 days for chronic illness may be for a lifetime or recovery period,services owned by state, federal or local gov't may use tax dollars,investor owned and operated by corp or stockholders,Operated by universities, religious organizations, fraternal groups. All profit above that needed for maint. and operations must go to improvement and growth,Used to describe a client's condition,type of service that is often a special unit in a hospital usually less than 30 days,service that does observation, assessment, teaching and training, direct skilled nursing such as tube feedings, vents, RN must be in charge of care,refers to care focused on meeting deficits of ADL's,provides medical, nursing, social work, spiritual support, for pts and families during a terminal illness,designed to restore health and function,Care is provided and then the patient is discharged soon after,care that is provided outside of a health care clinic, hosp. usually provided in the home,Med/ Surg, OB, ER and diagnostic center plus lab services,Level 1 Trauma Center, Burn Center, Oncology, and other levels of care,Offers only a particular tyoe of care such as Psych, or Peds,Places offering healthcare must ne approved by the gov't agency, usually the Dept of Health they need this cert,agencies that seek Medicare/ Medicaid funding must meet specific standards and also have many DEEMED STATUS agencies that services need this certification,Hosp and nursing homes get this accreditation,Organization that provides voluntary accreditation. Has a peer-reviewed process,This reviews and evaluates HMO's it provides HEDIS- Health Plan EMployer Data & info Set to compare HMO's,She used her contacts with powerful men in govt to obtain supplies and personnel needed to care for the wounded during Crimean War,Was able to fight incompetence & obtain decent care for the wounded Civil War soldiers by using influential people in Washington,used the buildup and excitement of the World's Fair to bring together nurses and form the first nursing organization,This document defines nursing legally, and the scope of nursing practice is outlined.,"The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery","The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to the health or its recovery" that would do for themselves if they could,Defines nursing, describes what nurses do, and provides goals and outcomes of care,set of concepts & propositions that provides an orderly way to view phenomena.,Nurses dervive knowledge through Carpers patterns of knowing 4,a particular viewpoint or perspective "a worldview",the major concepts in a discipline that names the phenomena of concern,these are mental images of a phenomenon,this describes the relationship between concepts,The structure that links concepts together, representing a unified whole.,a symbolic representation of a theory, shown through diagrams, words, or notations,,This provides an overall framwork for structuring ideas,This is used to address more narrowy defined phenomena and can be used to suggest an intervention,A meta-paradigm in nursing has 4 areas,She is recognized as the first nurse theorist. She describe nursing as both an art and science. She recommeded adjusting the environment to improve a person's health.,She described 4 conservatin principles for nursing, specifically the conervation of energy, structural integrity, personal integrity, and social stability. She also stated people need nursing when they are unable to care for themselves.,She developed the theory of Human Caring and described 10 carative factors.,She developed the theory of the Science of Unitary Human Beings, in which the person is a unified whole, greater than the sum of parts.,She emphasized understanding the person's lived experiences as related to health.,This is an example of middle-range theory and uses 11 functional health patterns to provide a framework for assessment, nursing dx, and a plan of car.,Hildegard Peplau- Peplau's interpersonal relations model *environment not defined,Virginia Henderson- definition of nursing,14 funadmental needs,Madeleine Leininger - cultural care diversity & universality theory,3 models of action in Leininger's theory,Orem's self care theory- Dorothea E. Orem,Orem's theory regarding Nursing .,Roger's science of unitary human beings- Martha E. Rogers,Roger's theory regarding Nursing,Roy's 4 modes of adaption based on,Watson's human caring theory- Jean Watson,Watson's theory re: nursing-,King's goal attainment theory- Imogene King,King's theory re: nursing-,King;s 3 interacting systems,Neuman's systems model- Betty Neuman,Neuman's theory re: nursing,Florence Nightingale's Environmental theory,Florenece Nighingale's major concepts of health,Florence Nightingale's theory re: nursing,a set of guidelines for provding high-quality nuring care & criteria for evaluating care,who sets the standards for nursing practice,laws in each state that are instrumental in defining the scope of nursing practice. They protect public health, safety and welfare. State boards of nursing oversee this stautory law,Nursing care plans are based on nursing process,The creation of the nursing care plan is a ? stage of the nursing process,Characteristics of a quality nursing care plan,Elements of the nursing care plan,Tools or guidelines that diret are by identifying expected outcomes,a plan of care based on standards that reflect optimal timing of sequential steps provided by all members of the team or managing chronic health problems,Basics of a critical pathway,Evidence based practice guidelines,these may be established for the careof pts with specific illness, treatments, or surgical procedures.,components of these gidelines,a process that uses observable & verifiable info, colected in a systematic manner to describe, explain, or predict events,a study in which items can be counted or measured & statistics can be used to analyze the results,pure or lab research that is designed to generate & refine theory,also called practical research, it is designed to directly influence or improve clinical practice,4 types of quantitive research,explores and describes events in real life situations, describing concepts,examines the type & degree of relationships between 2 or more variables,examines cause & effect relationships between selected variables. Often conducted in nursing research t examine effects of intervenions on pt outcomes,examines cause & effect relationships between variables under highly contolld conditions,something that varies and has different values that can be measured,the variable being studied, determined as a result of a study,causes or conditions tht are mainpulated or identified to determine the effects on the dependent varable,statement of relationships between the independent & dependent variables that the researcher expects to find,info the researcer collects from subjects in the study- expressed in numbers,devices used to collect & record the data,the systematic collection & analysis of more SUBJECTIVE narrative materials,4 types of Qualiative Research Methods,Keys to critiquing research reports,the pt's right to consent knowledgeably to participate in a study or tx without coercion or to refuse to participate without jeopardizing the care that he/ she will recieve. The right to confidentiality, & to be protected from harm,any eval of services providd & the results achieved are compared with acceped standards,a medicare/ medicaid review organization that evals preadmission, pre-procedure, concurrent or retrospective review.,are the actual health results in pts & communities served. key indicators or QI (quality indicators) show effectiveness of the system as a whole & indicate whether access to services are available.,include infection rates & morbidity/mortality rates associated with specific hospitals & procedures.,3 groups under HCUP- Healthcare Cost & Utilzation Project used to determine quality of care & access to care,there are 11 areas of care ith 24 quality indicators. they represent common conditions & items that are important to residents & serve as te focus for suveyors.,National Health Indicators,National Health Indicators do this,an effort to reduce & assess risks to pts, staff, & organizational assets withina health care institution. They identify risks and review & apprase safety protocols,STRUCTURE EVAL or audit,PROCESS EVAL,OUTCOME EVAL-,LEGAL- addresses the general welfare of the public. A violation of this law is a called a crime & is prosecuted by the gov't.,This law regulated condeuct between private individuals or businesses & is enforced through the courts as damages or monetary compensation.,Statue,Statutory Laws,Common law- ( FYI- statutory law & regulatory law carry more weight in court than common law does),these are civil wrongs committed by 1 person against another person or their property. It can include physical harm, pychological harm, harm to livelyhood, or some other less tangible value such as harm to repuation.,intentional tort,When a wrong is committed against another person or property that was not intended to happen.,he carelessness or failure to act as a prudent person would normally act under the same circumstance; unintended failure of a person to act or not act as a reasonable person would/would not act in a similar scenario,4 essential characteristics of negligence,Breech of duty,used to identify a specific type of negligence of a specifically trained or educated person in the performance of his/her job,Therapeutic communication includes;,Elements of Malpractice,intentional & unlawful offer to touch a person in an offensive, insulting or physically intimidating manner.,the touching of another person without the person's consent.,all info re: pt's is confidential or private whether it is on paper, computer or spoken. this includes; unnecessary exposure of pt's during care, talking with pt's in rooms that aren't sundproof, sharing pt info, interacting with pt's family re: HIPPA,the willful & purposeful misrespresentaion that could cause or has caused loss or harm to a person or property.,an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another that diminish the other party's reputation & is grounds for an award of civil damages,written form of defamation,oral form of defamation,making a person stay in a place against their wishes,abandonment,an agreement between 2 parties or more, especially one that is written & enforceable by law,Elements of a valid contract,The failure or refusal to hire an individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin is specifically prohibited by:,Union-organizing activities are occurring at an institution. According to National Labor Relations Board regulations, the institution's management may:,A nursing department's materials budget for the previous accounting period indicates a negative variance of 20%. To assess the cause of the variance, the nurse executive:,To identify the nursing staff needed for a new inpatient unit, the nurse executive's first action is to:,The Patient Self-Determination Act is intended to ensure that patients:,An essential component of an ambulatory care nursing delivery model that produces quality patient outcomes is:,The final step in a performance appraisal is to:,The first step in a remedial action program for an employee whose clinical performance does not meet standards is to:,Which is an accurate statement about the shared governance professional practice model?,Research suggests that a nurse executive most effectively improves employee job satisfaction by:,When meeting with a staff nurse to discuss performance concerns, a nurse executive states, "When you repeatedly avoid taking reports on a patient who transfers to our unit, it delays care of the patient and can delay admissions to the transferring unit." What communication style is the nurse executive demonstrating?,Three accepted determinants for measuring quality are structure, outcome, and:,Through the process of risk management, the nurse executive prevents patient care problems by:,A high-volume, procedural based unit experiences significant patient wait times. Leading the team in a continuous quality improvement analysis, the nurse executive begins by constructing a:,Referent power is based on:,The nurse executive, who is newly appointed to a clinical service, notices that staff members appear to deliver care in a disorganized, fragmented, superficial, and task-oriented manner. The nurse executive:,The nurse executive wants to expand services by offering a birthing center, which the community currently lacks. To justify the need for the center, the nurse executive first:,To enhance the successful marketing of a nursing service, the nurse executive establishes the:,Quantitative research is appropriately used to:,A family practice clinic decides to develop a new care coordinator position. When evaluating the role, the nurse executive:,The five basic competencies of emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, and:,When listening to a staff member who is angry over the results of a peer review, the nurse executive knows that effective, reflective communication focuses on:,While mentoring a staff nurse whose career stage aligns with Shirey's promise phase, the nurse executive recommends achieving the milestone of:,When assessing the need to implement innovative technology, the nurse executive understands that:,While mentoring a staff nurse whose career stage aligns with Shirey's promise phase, the nurse executive recommends achieving the milestone of: achieving specialty certification. becoming a permanent charge nurse. chairing a unit-based committee. precepting staff nurses new to the unit.,4 types of quantitive research

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