1. Somatic Symp-tom
2. Illness Anxiety
3. ConversionDis-order
4. Tx for Conver-sion
5. Factitious Disor-der
. Response to repressed severe anxiety
. Drug abuse and dependence are common
.Heightened emotionality, strong dependency needs, anda preoccupation with
symptoms and oneself
. Women
. Less educated
. Rural
. Unrealistic or inaccurate interpretation of physical symp- toms or
sensations, leading to preoccupation and fear ofhaving a serious disease.
. Behavioral response to even the slightest changes infeeling or sensation is
.Anxiety and depression are common, and OCD traitsfrequently accompany
the disorder
.Physical illness appear w/o any underlying organic cause
. Motor or Sensory
. La Belle indifference- display little anxiety or concernabout symptoms
. Primary gain or secondary gain
. Establish trusting relationship
.Do not reinforce sick role
. Diversional activities
.Interactive therapies
. Respond well to anti-anxiety meds
.Intentionally produce physical or psychologic s/s to as-sume the sick role
. Believes they will become sick
.Manlingering-to avoid work, obtaindrugs, avoidincarcer-ation
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Nursing 3 Test 1
Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders 2022 – 100% Correct
. Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary (Shifts away from realissues) gains
.Interactive therapies-Cognitive Behavior therapy
. Relaxation techniques, meditation, deep breathing exer-cises, music, roleplaying, and journaling
6. Pain Disorder . Significant pain w/o a physical basis for pain
. Doctor Shopping
. Pain in one or more areas of the body that is severeenough to seek
. Location of pain does not change
. Protect from unnecessary tests & procedures
7. Hypochondriasis .Unrealistic or exaggerated physical complaints
. Fear of having a serious disease
. No evidence of physical illness exists
.Causes significantly impaired social and occupationalfunction
. at least 6 months
.Anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, doctor shopping, difficulty ex-pressing feelings,
secondary gain
8. Tx for Hypochon-driasis
9. Outcomes for so- matic
. SSRI sometimes prescribed
. Usually resist the use of medication
.Interactive therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Stress management
. Construct an exercise program
.Address two positive somatic responses
.Keep an intake log to document somatic reoccupationand stressors
.Build a coping method to help manage anxiety inthe past
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