What are the three main hazards to our health? - ANSWER- Physical,
biological, and chemical
What is a physical hazard? - ANSWER- The presence of a foreign
object (glass fragments, pieces of metal, etc) in food.
What is a chemical hazard? - ANSWER- The presence of harmful
chemicals (pesticide, cleaning agents, prescription medicine, etc) in
What is a biological hazard? - ANSWER- The presence of
microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi) in food.
How can you tell if a food has been contaminated with pathogenic
bacteria? - ANSWER- You cannot tell, there is no change in appearance,
taste, or smell
How long does it take for the number of bacteria to double? -
ANSWER- 20-30 minutes
What are the phases of bacterial growth? - ANSWER- lag, log,
stationary, and death
During what phase does bacteria grow most rapidly? - ANSWER- Log
What are the six factors that affect bacteria growth? - ANSWER- Food,
Activity, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, and Moisture
What is the difference between viruses and bacteria? - ANSWERViruses cannot reproduce in food. However, they can be transmitted to
people if they get into food.
What are two common food-borne viruses? - ANSWER- Hepatitis A
and norovirus
How do food-borne viruses often get transmitted? - ANSWER- When a
person ingests food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected
What kind of parasite is typically found in undercooked pork? -
ANSWER- Trichinella spiralis
What can the bacteria found in under-cooked pork cause? - ANSWERTrichinosis
What kind of food-borne parasite is typically found in marine fish? -
ANSWER- Anisakis simplex
What is a common bacteria found in raw poultry and raw shell eggs -
ANSWER- Salmonella enteritidis
How can we control the growth of Clostridium Perfringens? -
ANSWER- Rapid cooling, rapid reheating, and not preparing food in
Where do handwashing sinks need to be located? - ANSWER- Within
25 feet of all food preparation areas and in or near all toilets.
All hot foods in a hot holding unit must be held at what minimum
temperature? - ANSWER- 140 degrees
Grease can only be dumped in sinks with what? - ANSWER- A proper
grease interceptor.
How do you hot water sanitize? - ANSWER- Immerse utensils in 170
degree water for at least 30 seconds.
How do you prepare a 50 PPM chlorine based sanitizing solution? -
ANSWER- Add 1/2 an ounce of bleach to 1 gallon of water.
What is 100 PPM solution used for? - ANSWER- wiping, spraying, and
When must bathrooms for patrons be provided? - ANSWER- When
there are 20 seats or more in the establishment.
Key Strategies of Integrated Pest Management - ANSWER- starve them,
build them out, and destroy them.
What does HACCP stand for? - ANSWER- Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point
What is HACCP? - ANSWER- A system of food safety to control the
growth of harmful microorganisms
What are the 7 principles of HACCP? - ANSWER- 1. Conduct a hazard
2. Determine the critical control points
3. Establish critical limits
4. Establish monitoring procedures
5. Establish corrective actions
6. Establish verification procedures
7. Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures
What are the 7 principles of HACCP? - ANSWER- 1) identify hazards,
2) determine Critical Control Points (CCP), 3) set up critical limits, 4)
monitor CCP, 5) take corrective actions, 6) verify the system is working
7) keep records.
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