Official June 2024
Paper 3 Economic Principles and Issues
Merged Question Paper + Mark Scheme + Insert
Ace your Mocks!!!
IB/G/Jun24/G4001/E9 7136/3
For Examiner’s Use
Section Mark
Friday 7 June 2024 Morning Time allowed: 2 hours
For this paper you must have:
• the Insert
• a calculator.
• Answer all questions.
• Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Pencil should only be used for drawing.
• Fill in the boxes at the top of this page.
• You will need to refer to the Insert provided to answer Section B.
• You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box around each
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• If you need extra space for your answer(s), use the lined pages at the end of
this book. Write the question number against your answer(s).
• Do all rough work in this answer book. Cross through any work that you do not want to be marked.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 80.
• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• No deductions will be made for wrong answers.
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Paper 3 Economic Principles and Issues
Do not write
outside the Section A box
Answer all questions in this section.
Only one answer per question is allowed.
For each question completely fill in the circle alongside the appropriate answer.
If you want to change your answer you must cross out your original answer as shown.
If you wish to return to an answer previously crossed out, ring the answer you now wish to select
as shown.
0 1 Which one of the following is a consequence of the basic economic problem of limited
resources and unlimited wants?
[1 mark]
A All goods and services will have a market price
B Employment of factors of production has an opportunity cost
C Markets are unable to allocate resources efficiently
D There will not be an excess supply in markets
0 2 A profit-maximising firm, in the service sector, needs to recruit a new employee. Which
one of the following explains why asymmetric information could mean that the most
suitable person is not chosen?
[1 mark]
A It is difficult to calculate the marginal revenue productivity of workers in the
service sector
B Occupational immobility of labour means that there is a limited supply of
workers with the right skill set
C The firm may have to recruit the worker from the local area because labour
is often geographically immobile
D The firm is unlikely to know everything about job applicant’s skills, abilities
and motivation
Turn over ►
Do not write
outside the
box 0 3 Figure 1 shows the production possibility boundary for petrol-powered cars and electricpowered cars in a country's car industry.
Figure 1
If production has moved from Point A to Point B, which one of the following must be true?
[1 mark]
A Allocative efficiency in the car industry is unchanged
B Demand for electric-powered vehicles has increased
C Productive efficiency in the car industry is unchanged
D Static efficiency in the car industry has improved
0 4 A household's annual income increases from £35 000 to £38 500. All other things being
equal, if the household's income elasticity of demand for Good X is –0.2 and its income
elasticity of demand for Good Y is 0.4, which one of the following statements is correct?
[1 mark]
A Spending on Good X will fall by £70 and spending on Good Y will
increase by £140
B Spending on Good X will fall by £700 and spending on Good Y will
increase by £1400
C Spending on Good X will fall by 2% and spending on Good Y will
increase by 4%
D Spending on Good X will fall by 20% and spending on Good Y will
increase by 40%
Do not write
outside the
0 5 box Table 1 shows the effect of cash benefits and taxes on household incomes in the UK in
Table 1
Income of top
quintile (£s)
Income of
bottom quintile
Ratio of top to
bottom quintile
income 107 551 8 196 13.1
plus cash
benefits 2 581 7 267 0.4
Gross income 110 132 15 463 7.1
less direct
taxes 32 000 2 267 14.1
income 78 131 13 196 5.9
less indirect
taxes 7 133 3 024 2.4
income 70 998 10 172 7.0
Source: Office for National Statistics
Which one of the following can be concluded from the data in Table 1 regarding the
distribution of income between the top and bottom quintile of households?
[1 mark]
A Cash benefits were less effective than direct taxes in redistributing income
from the bottom quintile of households to the top quintile
B Direct taxes made the distribution of income more unequal
C Indirect taxes made the distribution of income more unequal
D Indirect taxes were more effective than cash benefits in redistributing income
from the top quintile of households to the bottom quintile
Turn over ►
Do not write
outside the
0 6 box Table 2 shows the UK's balance of trade in goods and services in successive quarters.
Table 2
Quarter 2020 Q4 2021 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 Q4 2022 Q1 2022 Q2
of trade
–8.5 3.6 0.9 –12.1 –4.7 –25.3 –25.0
What was the UK's median quarterly balance of trade over the period shown in Table 2?
[1 mark]
A –£12.1bn
B –£10.2bn
C –£8.5bn
D £11.4bn
0 7 Which one of the following is an injection into the circular flow of income?
[1 mark]
A Factor incomes
B Government borrowing
C Investment
D Savings
Turn over for the next question
Do not write
outside the
0 8 box Figure 2 shows the total utility that a consumer derives from their daily consumption of
Figure 2
Based on the information in Figure 2, which one of the following statements is correct?
[1 mark]
A A rational consumer will choose to consume 3 bananas each day
B Diminishing marginal utility sets in with the consumption of the 4th banana
C Marginal utility is maximised with the consumption of the 3rd banana
D Marginal utility from consuming the 3rd banana is less than the 2nd
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