Official June 2024 AQA A-level PHYSICS 7408/3BA Paper 3 Section B Astrophysics Merged Question Paper + Mark Scheme + Insert Ace your Mocks!!! *JUN2474083BA01* IB/M/Jun24/E6 7408/3BA For Examiner’s Use Question Mark 1 2 3 4 TOTAL Monday 17 June 2024 Morning Materials For this paper you must have: • a pencil and a ruler • a scientific calculator • a Data and Formulae Booklet • a protractor. Instructions • Use black ink or black ball-point pen. • Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. • Answer all questions. • You must answer the questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. • If you need extra space for your answer(s), use the lined pages at the end of this book. Write the question number against your answer(s). • Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. • Show all your working. Information • The marks for questions are shown in brackets. • The maximum mark for this paper is 35. • You are expected to use a scientific calculator where appropriate. • A Data and Formulae Booklet is provided as a loose insert. Please write clearly in block capitals. Centre number Candidate number Surname Forename(s) Candidate signature I declare this is my own work. A-level PHYSICS Paper 3 Section B Astrophysics Time allowed: The total time for both sections of this paper is 2 hours. You are advised to spend approximately 50 minutes on this section. 2 *02* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the Section B box Answer all questions in this section. 0 1 A student uses a refracting telescope in normal adjustment to make observations of Jupiter. The telescope has an angular magnification of 75 0 1 . 1 The eyepiece has a focal length of 22 mm. Determine the distance between the eyepiece and the objective lens. [2 marks] distance = m 0 1 . 2 When viewed through the telescope, the image of Jupiter subtends an angle of 1.7 × 10−2 rad. Calculate, in km, the distance between the Earth and Jupiter. mean radius of Jupiter = 7.0 × 104 km [2 marks] distance = km 3 *03* Turn over ► IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA The student places a cap over one end of the telescope. The cap has a circular hole in its centre. Figure 1 shows the end of the telescope, the objective lens and the cap. Figure 1 0 1 . 3 State and explain the effect that the addition of the cap has on the chromatic aberration caused by the lens. [3 marks] 0 1 . 4 Explain two other effects that the addition of the cap has on the image of Jupiter. [4 marks] 1 2 11 Do not write outside the box 4 *04* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA 0 2 The apparent change in position of a nearby star relative to distant stars is due to an effect known as parallax. Figure 2 shows how parallax arises. As the Earth moves from point P to point Q, an observer on the Earth sees the position of a nearby star S change in relation to distant stars. Figure 2 Angle A is the parallax angle. This angle can be used to determine the distance to a nearby star, provided that the relative motion between the star and the Sun is negligible between observations. 0 2 . 1 The distance from the Sun to S is 79 ly. The Earth takes 6 months to move from point P to point Q. Calculate, in degrees, angle A. [2 marks] A = ° Do not write outside the box 5 *05* Turn over ► IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA 0 2 . 2 Parallax is used to determine the distance to a different star. Observations of the star produce the following data: distance determined using parallax = 0.40 pc apparent magnitude = 13.5 absolute magnitude = 16.7 An astronomer suggests that the star moved significantly relative to the Sun between the two parallax observations. Discuss whether this suggestion is valid. [4 marks] 6 Do not write outside the box 6 *06* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA 0 3 . 1 Figure 3 shows the variation of intensity with wavelength for a star. Figure 3 Show that Figure 3 is consistent with a black-body temperature of about 6.0 × 103 K. [2 marks] 0 3 . 2 The radius of the star is 9.6 × 106 m. Calculate the power output of the star. [2 marks] power output = W Do not write outside the box 7 *07* Turn over ► IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA 0 3 . 3 Which row gives the type and spectral class of the star? Tick () one box. [1 mark] Type of star Spectral class white dwarf F main sequence G red giant K main sequence F red giant G white dwarf K 0 3 . 4 The light from the star passes through an interstellar dust cloud before reaching Earth. The reduction in intensity when light passes through a dust cloud is assumed to be inversely proportional to the wavelength of the light. An astronomer on the Earth estimates the black-body temperature of the star. Discuss the effect that the dust cloud has on this estimate. [2 marks] 7 Do not write outside the box 8 *08* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA There are no questions printed on this page DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE ANSWER IN THE SPACES PROVIDED Do not write outside the box 9 *09* Turn over ► IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA 0 4 The Earth is in the galaxy known as the Milky Way. The Andromeda Galaxy is one of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way. 0 4 . 1 The Andromeda Galaxy approaches the Milky Way at a speed of 110 km s−1 . The distance between the galaxies is 770 kpc. Discuss whether these data can be used to estimate an age for the Universe. [2 marks] 0 4 . 2 There is a supermassive black hole at the centre of the Andromeda Galaxy. The mass of this black hole is 1.60 × 108 solar masses. Calculate the radius of the event horizon of this black hole. State an appropriate unit for your answer. [3 marks] radius = unit = Question 4 continues on the next page Do not write outside the box 10 *10* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the 0 4 box . 3 Scientists predict that a quasar will be produced as the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy merge. Explain what is meant by a quasar. Go on to suggest why a quasar may be produced as galaxies merge. In your answer you should: • describe the typical properties of a quasar • explain how observations of quasars provide evidence for these properties • suggest the process of quasar formation that is likely when two galaxies merge. [6 marks] Do not write outside the box 11 *11* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA END OF QUESTIONS 11 Do not write outside the box 12 *12* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the There are no questions printed on this page box DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE ANSWER IN THE SPACES PROVIDED 13 *13* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the box Question number Additional page, if required. Write the question numbers in the left-hand margin. 14 *14* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the box Question number Additional page, if required. Write the question numbers in the left-hand margin. 15 *15* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the box Question number Additional page, if required. Write the question numbers in the left-hand margin. 16 *16* IB/M/Jun24/7408/3BA Do not write outside the There are no questions printed on this page box DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE ANSWER IN THE SPACES PROVIDED Copyright information For confidentiality purposes, all acknowledgements of third-party copyright material are published in a separate booklet. This booklet is published after each live examination series and is available for free download from Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright-holders may have been unsuccessful and AQA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgements. If you have any queries please contact the Copyright Team. Copyright © 2024 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. *246A7408/3BA* A-level Physics data and formulae For use in exams from the June 2017 Series onwards Version 1.7 1 DATA - FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANTS AND VALUES Symbol Value Units ???? 3.00 × 108 m s–1 ????0 4π × 10–7 H m–1 ????0 8.85 × 10–12 F m–1 ???? 1.60 × 10–19 C ℎ 6.63 × 10–34 J s ???? 6.67 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2 ????A 6.02 × 1023 mol–1 ???? 8.31 J K–1 mol–1 ???? 1.38 × 10–23 J K–1 σ 5.67 × 10–8 W m–2 K–4 ???? 2.90 × 10–3 m K ????e 9.11 × 10–31 kg ???? ????e 1.76 × 1011 C kg–1 ????p 1.67(3) × 10–27 kg ???? ????p 9.58 × 107 C kg–1 ????n 1.67(5) × 10–27 kg ???? 9.81 N kg–1 ???? 9.81 m s–2 Quantity speed of light in vacuo permeability of free space permittivity of free space magnitude of the charge of electron the Planck constant gravitational constant the Avogadro constant molar gas constant the Boltzmann constant the Stefan constant the Wien constant electron rest mass (equivalent to 5.5 × 10–4 u) magnitude of electron charge/mass ratio proton rest mass (equivalent to 1.00728 u) proton charge/mass ratio neutron rest mass (equivalent to 1.00867 u) gravitational field strength acceleration due to gravity atomic mass unit (1u is equivalent to 931.5 MeV) u 1.661 × 10–27 kg ALGEBRAIC EQUATION GEOMETRICAL EQUATIONS quadratic equation a acbb x 2 4 2 ±− − = = r???? = 2πr ASTRONOMICAL DATA = πr 2 Body Mass/kg Mean radius/m = 2πrh Sun 1.99 × 1030 6.96 × 108 = 4πr 2 Earth 5.97 × 1024 6.37 × 106 arc length circumference of circle area of circle curved surface area of cylinder surface area of sphere volume of sphere = 3 4 πr 3 2 Version 1.7 Particle Physics Class Name Symbol Rest energy/MeV photon photon ???? 0 lepton neutrino ve 0 vµ 0 electron e ± 0.510999 muon µ ± 105.659 mesons π meson π ± 139.576 π0 134.972 K meson K± 493.821 K0 497.762 baryons proton p 938.257 neutron n 939.551 Properties of quarks antiquarks have opposite signs Type Charge Baryon number Strangeness u + 3 2 e + 3 1 0 d − 3 1 e + 3 1 0 s − 3 1 e + 3 1 − 1 Properties of Leptons Lepton number Particles: e−, νe ; µ−, νµ + 1 Antiparticles: e+, νe, µ+, νµ − 1 Photons and energy levels photon energy ???? = ℎ???? = ℎ???? ???? photoelectricity ℎ???? = ϕ + ????k (max) energy levels ℎ???? = ????1 – ????2 de Broglie wavelength ???? = ℎ ???? = ℎ ???????? Waves wave speed ???? = ???????? period ???? = 1 ???? first harmonic ???? = 1 2???? �???? ???? fringe spacing ???? = ???????? ???? diffraction grating ???? sin ???? = ???????? refractive index of a substance s, ???? = ???? ????s for two different substances of refractive indices n1 and n2, law of refraction ????1 sin ????1 = ????2 sin ????2 critical angle sin ????c = ????2 ????1 for ????1 > ????2 Mechanics moments moment = ???????? velocity and acceleration ???? = ∆???? ∆???? ???? = ∆???? ∆???? equations of motion ???? = ???? + ???????? ???? = � ???? + ???? 2 � ???? ????2 = ????2 + 2???????? ???? = ???????? + ????????2 2 force ???? = ???????? force ???? = ∆(????????) ∆???? impulse ???? Δ???? = Δ(????????) work, energy and power ???? = ???? ???? cos ???? ????k = 1 2 ???? ????2 Δ????p = ????????Δℎ ???? = ∆???? ∆???? , ???? = ???????? ???????????????????????????????????????? = ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? Materials density ???? = ???? ???? Hooke’s law ???? = ???? Δ???? Young modulus = ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? tensile stress = ???? ???? tensile strain = ∆???? ???? energy stored ???? = 1 2 ????Δ???? AQA A-LEVEL PHYSICS DATA AND FORMULAE Version 1.7 3 Electricity current and pd ???? = ∆???? ∆???? ???? = ???? ???? ???? = ???? ???? resistivity ???? = ???????? ???? resistors in series ????T = ????1 + ????2 + ????3 + … resistors in parallel 1 ????T = 1 ????1 + 1 ????2 + 1 ????3 + ⋯ power ???? = ???????? = ????2???? = ????2 ???? emf ???? = ???? ???? ???? = ????(???? + ????) Circular motion magnitude of angular speed ???? = ???? ???? ???? = 2???????? centripetal acceleration ???? = ????2 ???? = ????2???? centripetal force ???? = ????????2 ???? = ????????2 ???? Simple harmonic motion acceleration ???? = − ????2???? displacement ???? = ???? cos (????????) speed ???? = ± ???? �(????2 − ????2) maximum speed ????max = ???????? maximum acceleration ????max = ????2???? for a mass-spring system ???? = 2???? �???? ???? for a simple pendulum ???? = 2???? �???? ???? Thermal physics energy to change temperature ???? = ????????Δ???? energy to change state ???? = ???????? gas law ???????? = ???????????? ???????? = ???????????? kinetic theory model ???????? = 1 3 ???????? (????rms)2 kinetic energy of gas molecule 1 2 ???? (????rms)2 = 3 2 ???????? = 3???????? 2????A Gravitational fields force between two masses ???? = ????????1????2 ????2 gravitational field strength ???? = ???? ???? magnitude of gravitational field strength in a radial field ???? = ???????? ????2 work done Δ???? = ????Δ???? gravitational potential ???? = – ???????? ???? ???? = – Δ???? Δ???? Electric fields and capacitors force between two point charges ???? = 1 4????????0 ????1????2 ????2 force on a charge ???? = ???????? field strength for a uniform field ???? = ???? ???? work done field strength for a radial field Δ???? = ????Δ???? ???? = 1 4????????0 ???? ????2 electric potential ???? = 1 4????????0 ???? ???? field strength ???? = Δ???? Δ???? capacitance ???? = ???? ???? ???? = ????????0????r ???? capacitor energy stored ???? = 1 2???????? = 1 2 ????????2 = 1 2 ????2 ???? capacitor charging ???? = ????0(1 − e– ???? ????????) decay of charge ???? = ????0e– ???? ???????? time constant ???????? 4 Version 1.7 Magnetic fields force on a current ???? = ???????????? force on a moving charge ???? = ???????????? magnetic flux Ф = ???????? magnetic flux linkage ????Ф = ???????????? cos ???? magnitude of induced emf ???? = ???? ΔФ Δ???? ????Ф = ???????????? cos ???? emf induced in a rotating coil ???? = ???????????????? sin ???? t alternating current ????rms = ????0 √2 ????rms = ????0 √2 transformer equations ????s ????p = ????s ????p efficiency = ????s????s ????p???? p Nuclear physics inverse square law for γ radiation ???? = ???? ????2 radioactive decay Δ???? Δ???? = – ???? ????, ???? = ????oe−???????? activity ???? = ???????? half-life ????½ = ln 2 ???? nuclear radius ???? = ????0 ????1/3 energy-mass equation ???? = ????????2 OPTIONS Astrophysics 1 astronomical unit = 1.50 × 1011 m 1 light year = 9.46 × 1015 m 1 parsec = 2.06 × 105 AU = 3.08 × 1016 m = 3.26 ly Hubble constant, ???? = 65 km s–1 Mpc–1 ???? = ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? telescope in normal adjustment ???? = ????0 ????e Rayleigh criterion ???? ≈ ???? ???? magnitude equation ???? – ???? = 5 log ???? 10 Wien’s law ????max ???? = 2.9 × 10−3 m K

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