Official June 2024
Paper 1 Language and the individual
Merged Question Paper + Mark Scheme + Insert
Ace your Mocks!!!
IB/G/Jun24/G4005/E2 7701/1
Monday 13 May 2024 Morning Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes
For this paper you must have:
• an AQA 12-page answer book
• the Insert (enclosed).
• Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
• Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Paper Reference is 7701/1.
• Answer all questions.
• Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked.
• The maximum mark for this paper is 70.
• The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
• There are 25 marks for Question 1, 25 marks for Question 2 and 20 marks for Question 3.
• You will be marked on your ability to:
– use good English
– organise information clearly
– use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
• It is recommended that you use:
– 20 minutes reading and preparing the texts
– 25 minutes writing your Question 1 answer
– 25 minutes writing your Question 2 answer
– 20 minutes writing your Question 3 answer.
Paper 1 Language and the individual
There are no questions printed on this page
Textual variations and representations
Answer all questions.
0 2 Analyse how Text B uses language to create meanings and representations.
[25 marks]
0 3 Compare and contrast Text A and Text B, showing ways in which they are similar
and different in their language use.
[20 marks]
Text A and Text B are on the Insert.
Text A is an extract from an episode of ‘The Daily Calm’ found on the mindfulness app Calm. It is
written and voiced by Tamara Levitt.
Text B is the beginning of an article from the website
0 1 Analyse how Text A uses language to create meanings and representations.
[25 marks]
There are no questions printed on this page
Copyright information
For confidentiality purposes, all acknowledgements of third-party copyright material are published in a separate booklet. This booklet is published after each
live examination series and is available for free download from
Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright-holders may have been unsuccessful and
AQA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgements. If you have any queries please contact the Copyright Team.
Copyright © 2024 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.
IB/G/Jun24/G4005/E4 7701/1
Texts for use with questions 1, 2 and 3
Paper 1 Language and the individual
IB/G/Jun24/Insert to 7701/1
Text A
Text A is an extract from an episode of ‘The Daily Calm’ found on the mindfulness app Calm. It is
written and voiced by Tamara Levitt.
Transcription key:
(.) pause of less than a second
(2.0) longer pause (number of seconds indicated)
bold stressed syllables
and now (.) gently relax your attention (8.0) we spend much of our lives
(.) disconnected (.) from the rich experience of our senses (.) as we drive
(.) work (.) eat (.) and walk (1.0) we’re often on autopilot (.) instead of
appreciating the sensory detail of the moment (.) we’re in our head (.)
worrying (.) planning (.) and daydreaming (1.0) there’s a practice (.) that
originated in Japan (.) that inspires a very different behaviour (1.0) it’s
called (.) shinrin-yoku (.) or forest bathing (1.0) and it involves (.) heading
to a forest (.) and immersing oneself (.) in the atmosphere (1.0) rather
than a vigorous ten-mile hike (.) the idea (.) is to slow down (.) and pay
close attention to our surroundings (.) to connect intimately with our
environment (.) through sight (.) sound (.) smell (.) and touch (1.0) forest
bathing inspires us to unplug from technology (1.0) move at a gentle
pace (.) and experience a natural environment (.) like never before (1.0)
it’s a way to gain presence (.) slow down the mind (.) and relax the body
(.) and it’s believed to have health benefits (.) like reduced stress (.) lower
blood pressure (.) and increased focus (1.0) if you’re curious to give it a
try (.) it’s simple (.) first (.) enter the forest (.) with your phone turned off
(.) your breath full (.) and your attention relaxed yet alert (1.0) as you
wander (.) tune in deeply to your senses (.) listen to the sounds of
insects (.) and birds (.) hear the wind rustling through the trees (.) smell
the fresh air (.) and the aromatic trees and flowers (.) feel the breeze as it
touches your skin (.) feel the coarse bark (.) of a tree’s side (.) enjoy all
the tiny wonderful details (.) the warmth of the sunlight beaming through
branches (.) the weightless flutter of a butterfly (1.0) the pattern (.)
displayed across a leaf (1.0) and all the while (.) move at a slow (.) gentle
pace (1.0) forget about time (.) and just bathe in nature (1.0) let your
senses lead the way (.) and be captivated by the detail (.) and the beauty
(.) of the moment (1.0) as Joseph Campbell said (.) the goal of life (.) is to
make your heart beat (.) match the beat of the universe (1.0) to match
your nature (.) with nature (4.0) and now (.) when you’re ready (.) come
back to the room (1.0) come back to the body (1.0) and when you’re
ready (1.0) allow your eyes (.) to open (1.0) I hope you enjoyed today’s
Daily Calm (2.0) have a great day (1.0) and we’ll see you back here
IB/G/Jun24/Insert to 7701/1
Text B
Text B is the beginning of an article from the website
IB/G/Jun24/Insert to 7701/1
There are no texts printed on this page
Copyright information
For confidentiality purposes, all acknowledgements of third-party copyright material are published in a separate booklet. This booklet is published after each
live examination series and is available for free download from
Permission to reproduce all copyright material has been applied for. In some cases, efforts to contact copyright-holders may have been unsuccessful and
AQA will be happy to rectify any omissions of acknowledgements. If you have any queries please contact the Copyright Team.
Copyright © 2024 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.
Paper 1 Language and the individual
Mark scheme
June 2024
Version: 1.0 Final
Mark schemes are prepared by the Lead Assessment Writer and considered, together with the relevant
questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the
standardisation events which all associates participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in
this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the students’
responses to questions and that every associate understands and applies it in the same correct way.
As preparation for standardisation each associate analyses a number of students’ scripts. Alternative
answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the
standardisation process, associates encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are
required to refer these to the Lead Examiner.
It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and
expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark
schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of
assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination
No student should be disadvantaged on the basis of their gender identity and/or how they refer to the
gender identity of others in their exam responses.
A consistent use of ‘they/them’ as a singular and pronouns beyond ‘she/her’ or ‘he/him’ will be credited in
exam responses in line with existing mark scheme criteria.
Further copies of this mark scheme are available from
Copyright information
AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered schools/colleges for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal
use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to schools/colleges to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for
internal use within the centre.
Copyright © 2024 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.
English Language Mark Scheme
How to Mark
When you are marking your allocation of scripts your main aims should be to:
• recognise and identify the achievements of students
• place students in the appropriate mark band and in the appropriate part of that mark band (high, low,
middle) for each Assessment Objective
• record your judgements with brief notes, annotations and comments that are relevant to the mark
scheme and make it clear to other examiners how you have arrived at the numerical mark awarded for
each Assessment Objective
• put into a rank order the achievements of students (not to grade them – that is done later using the
rank order that your marking has produced)
• ensure comparability of assessment for all students, regardless of question or examiner.
It is important to be open minded and positive when marking scripts.
The specification recognises the variety of experiences and knowledge that students will have. It
encourages them to study language in a way that is relevant to them. The questions have been
designed to give them opportunities to discuss what they have found out about language. It is important
to assess the quality of what the student offers.
Do not mark scripts as though they are mere shadows of some Platonic ideal (or the answer you would
have written). The mark schemes have been composed to assess quality of response and not to
identify expected items of knowledge.
Assessment Objectives
This component requires students to:
AO1: Apply appropriate methods of language analysis, using associated terminology and coherent
written expression
AO3: Analyse and evaluate how contextual factors and language features are associated with the
construction of meaning
AO4: Explore connections across texts, informed by linguistic concepts and methods.
The marking grids
The specification has generic marking grids with a hierarchy of performance characteristics for each
Assessment Objective that are customised with indicative content for individual tasks. These have been
designed to allow consistent assessment of the range of knowledge, understanding and skills that the
specification demands across all tasks.
Within each Assessment Objective there are five broad levels representing different levels of
achievement. Do not think of levels equalling grade boundaries.
You will be giving a mark to each separate Assessment Objective tested by a task.
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