PMHNP Exam Reported Questions and Answers(2023/2024)
PMHNP Exam Reported Questions and
What is dissemination? Answer- Getting the research information out to those who need
to know it!
Publication - highest level
Presenting at National Conference
Presenting at Local Conference
Journal Club where one person reviews an article
What does a 17 on MMSE mean? Answer- Moderate cognitive impairment
What is Tegretol in the CYP450 system? Answer- Inducer -->will lower dose of Lamictal
and BCP's
What do BCP's do to Lamictal? Answer- Inducer - will lower dose of Lamictal
What is a Type I research error? Answer- There IS a difference but you say there isn't a
What is a Type II research error? Answer- There is NO difference but you say there is a
What is pseudo-dementia? Answer- Cognitive impairment secondary to depression that
clears when treated in the elderly. Dementia won't improve.
Is it normal for a 1 month old to have a palmar grasp? Answer- Yes.
What is a drug 1/2 life? Answer- The time it takes for 50% of a drug to be eliminated
from the body.
What 3 atypicals can be used with teens? Answer- Zyprexa, Abilify, Seroquel - low
What is a risk of using Tramadol? Answer- Serotonin Syndrome as it is very
What is the allele seen in Asians that increase the risk of SJS? Answer- HLAB-1502
When might you see toxic epidermal necrolysis? Answer- With worsening of SJS
How many generations do you include for a genogram? Answer- 1st degree - mother,
father, siblings
2nd degree - grandparents & cousins
3rd degree -
What does messenger RNA code for? Answer- Amino Acids
What is epigenetics? Answer- Factors that affect genes - environmental, smoking,
stress, etc...
What part of the brain is involved with OCD? Answer- Basal Ganglia
What happens to the brain during adolescence? Answer- Dendritic pruning
Emotions are controlled by amygdala
By adulthood, PFC involved as well
When do males typically present with schizophrenia? Answer- 10-25 yo
When do females typically present with schizophrenia? Answer- 25-35 yo
What does Erythromycin to trileptal? Answer- You will need to decreases the level
because Trileptal(inducer) and erythromycin is a inhibitor
ACE Inhibitors are the drug of choice for what? Answer- Heart Failure
What are some psychiatric side effects seen with some asthma drugs AnswerLeukotriene receptor agonists - singulair, accolade, zyflo = agitation, aggression,
anxiety, hallucinations, depression, insomnia, SI, tremor
What should you watch for with Tegretol? Answer- Agranulocytosis and Hyponatremia
What are the 3 CK muscle enzyme tests? Answer- CKBB, CKMM, CKMB
Which one of the 3 muscle enzymes are related to cardiac muscle damage? AnswerCKMB
What is the risk of a seriously elevated CKMB? Answer- Polymyositis
What is a normal CKMB? Answer- 0.3 mcg/L
What psychoactives does Detrol interact with? Answer- Topamax
What CN are you assessing when you have the patient shrug their shoulders? AnswerCN XI - Spinal Accessory
What do you see in labs with HIV & Dementia? Answer- CD4 <200>
Viral Load is high
What is the scoring with the Beck Depression Inventory? Answer- Self-Report - 0-63
0-13 - minimal
14-19 - mild
20-28 - moderate
29-63 - severe
What is sensitivity? Answer- Helps rule-out disease = True Positive = Snout
What is specificity? Answer- Helps rule-in disease = True Negative = Spin
What does a sed rate measure? Answer- Inflammation (ESR - Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate) = distance in mm RBC's have descended in 1 hour.
What is a normal sed rate or ESR? Answer- 0-22 males
0-29 females
What is a retic count? Answer- Measures % of reticulocytes in blood (immature RBC's)
Indicates whether enough RBC's are being produced by bone marrow.
What does a decreased retic count indicate? Answer- Anemia - acute or chronic
What does an increased retic count indicate? Answer- Bone marrow disorder or Vitamin
What does an abnormal retic ount indicate in general? Answer- Doesn't diagnose
anything. First step is ID source of the issue.
What happens when you mix tegretol and macrolides? Answer- Increase tegretol levels.
What happens if a pregnant women takes Accutane? Answer- Birth defects.
What labs do you get with RA? Answer- Sed rate, RF, ANA, C reactive protein, CBC,
CMP, CRP - helps confirm diagnosis.
CRP and ESR are both increased in RA but NOT in osteoarthritis.
Where does the NP Code of Ethics come from? Answer- ANA
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