3 processes of memory - ANSWER encoding, storage, retrieval
3 types of encoding - ANSWER visual, acoustic, semantic
which part of the brain is responsible for memory - ANSWER Hippocampus in
the temporal lobe.
how is short term memory encoded - ANSWER typically acoustically as opposed
to long term memory which is encoded semantically
who made the multi store model - ANSWER Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)
capacity of short term memory - ANSWER 7 +/- 2
Duration and capacity of long-term memory - ANSWER lifetime/unlimited
duration of short term memory - ANSWER 18-30 seconds
Describe the multi-store model of memory - ANSWER - Information primarily
enters the system through a sensory experience and into the sensory register
which is modality specific.
- Information is then passed if payed attention to short term memory where it can
be held for around 18-30
seconds before it decays
- If this data is rehearsed to maintain the information it can be transferred to long
term memory
how is information encoded in the sensory register? - ANSWER modality specific
null hypothesis - ANSWER no relationship between independent and dependant
Qualitative - ANSWER Data in the form of words
Quantitative - ANSWER Data that is in numbers
experimental design - ANSWER refers to how participants are allocated to the
different conditions in an experiment.
3 types of experimental design - ANSWER Independent groups
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