PTS Canfitpro Exam (100% Correct Answers)
Name the four ATP energy systems and how long they provide energy for.
correct answers ATP-CP - 1-10 sec's at very high intensity \nGlycolytic - high
intensity 10 secs - 2-3 min\nOxidative - mid to low intensity +2 min\nFatty
Acid Oxidation - low intensity +2 min
How many units of ATP does each ATP energy system deliver? correct
answers ATP-CP: 1 unit of ATP/ unit of CP
Glycolytic: 2-3 ATP/unit of glucose
Oxidative: 38 ATP/ unit of glucose
Fatty Acid Oxidation: 100 ATP/unit of fatty acid
What is EPOC? correct answers excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
What is the lactate threshold? correct answers The point at which the
aerobic system cannot supply enough ATP for the needs of the body
What type of fuel does the ATP-CP energy system use? correct answers
Stored ATP
what type of fuel does the glycolytic system use? correct answers blood
glucose, muscle glycogen
what type of fuel does the oxidative system use? correct answers blood
glucose, muscle glycogen
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