A nurse is caring for a client who has a respiratory infection. What
techniques should the nurse use when performing nasotracheal
suctioning for the client? - ANSWER- Apply intermittent suction when
withdrawing the catheter to prevent mucosal injury
What happens if you suction for more than 10 seconds? - ANSWERYou can cause cardiopulmonary compromise
When should a nasotracheal suction catheter be inserted into the body? -
ANSWER- When client is inhaling to avoid inserting it into the
A nurse is caring for a post op client following a knee arthroplasty and
requires the use of thigh-length SCDs. What actions should the nurse
take? - ANSWER- -Make sure two fingers can fit under the sleeves to
avoid inhibiting circulation when sleeves inflate
-Set the ankle pressure between 35-55 mmHg
A nurse is initiating a protective environment for a client who has had an
allogeneic stem cell transplant. What precaution should the nurse plan
for this client? - ANSWER- Make sure the client wears a mask when
outside her room if there is construction in the area. An allogeneic stem
cell transplant compromises the client's immune system, greatly
increasing the risk for infection. The client will need protection from
breathing in any pathogens in the environment.
How should open irrigation be performed when irrigating a client's
indwelling urinary catheter? - ANSWER- -Instill 30-40 mL of irrigation
-Use a 30- to 50-mL syringe
-Subtract amount of irrigant used from the client's urine output
What type of dressing promotes healing in stage 2 pressure injuries? -
ANSWER- Hydrocolloid dressings by creating a moist wound bed
What kind of dressing is used for stage 1 pressure injuries? - ANSWERTransparent dressings promote healing by preventing further friction and
When are alginate dressings used? - ANSWER- Stage 3 and 4 pressure
ulcers to absorb drainage. They form soft gel when they come into
contact with drainage
A client is hospitalized for multiple rib fractures following a motor
vehicle accident (MVA). The results of an arterial blood gas (ABG's)
are; pH 7.30, pCO2 48, HCO3 26 and pO2 91 on 2 L/min of oxygen per
nasal cannula. What intervention has the highest priority? - ANSWERAssist the client to deep breathe, splinting with a pillow. (The client is
experiencing respiratory acidosis from hypoventilation caused by painful
respirations from fracture ribs. Splinting the chest wall with a pillow will
decrease pain associated with deep breathing. Deeper breaths will allow
for better gas exchange, which will correct the acidosis)
A nurse manager is changing the ration of RNs to LPNs on a unit to
decrease costs. What strategy should the nurse manager implement to
reduce resistance from staff? - ANSWER- Formulate staffing schedule
covering one month.
The nurse manager should include the staff in the process by formulating
a sample staffing schedule covering 1 month so that the staff can view
the schedule and provide feedback. Resistance to change is an integral
part of the process of change. A common reaction to scheduling changes
is a fear of loss of hours and lack of trust of the employer
When should a nurse complete large tasks that require the most time and
energy? - ANSWER- Beginning of shift when energy levels are high
A client who is 34 weeks of gestation is reporting abd tenderness. What
are you concerned about? - ANSWER- Early clinical finding associated
with abruption placenta
What is an anastomotic leak? - ANSWER- a leak of luminal contents
from a surgical join
A nurse is teaching a client who has iron deficiency anemia about
ferrous sulfate. What instructions should the nurse give - ANSWERTake medication between meals for optimal absorption
(antacids interfere with ferrous sulfate absorption too; also diary
products inhibit absorption)
What is Clopidogrel (Plavix) used for? - ANSWER- it is an antiplatelet
medication (anticoagulant) - used to prevent MI, stroke, or peripheral
arterial disease during an acute myocardial infarction.
What is atropine? - ANSWER- Antidote for muscarinic poisoning;
What are some symptoms indicating an anastomic leak? - ANSWER- -
-Back, shoulder, or abd pain
What is an anastomosis? - ANSWER- *surgical connection* between
two tubular structures, such as blood vessels or loops of intestine
What is open reduction and internal fixation? - ANSWER- A type of
treatment to fix a broken bone. It puts the pieces of a broken bone back
together so they can heal. Open reduction means the bones are put back
in place during a surgery.
What might an O2 saturation of 90% on 2L of O2 per nasal cannula
indicate in the post-op period? - ANSWER- Hypoxemia can be caused
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