appraisal ✔✔Estimate of the value or monetary worth of an item of property as of a particular date
USPAP ✔✔Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice
USPAP ✔✔Appraisers follow
Appraisal Standards Board ✔✔Part of the appraisal foundation that develops, publishes, interprets,
and amends the standards of uspap on behalf of appraisers and the users of appraisal services
USPAP standard 6 ✔✔Mass development and reporting
Scope of Work ✔✔Type and extent of research and analysis in an appraisal or appraisal review
Work file ✔✔documentation necessary to support an appraiser's analyses, opinions, and
Signed certification ✔✔Uspap compliant appraisal report must contain a signed certification
Appraisal Practice ✔✔Valuation services performed by an individual acting as an appraiser,
including but not limited to appraisal and appraisal review.
Appraiser ✔✔One who is expected to perform valuation services competently and in a manner
that is independent, impartial, and objective.
Mass appraisal ✔✔the process of valuing a universe of properties as of a given date using standard
methodology, employing common data, and allowing for statistical testing
Mass Appraisal Model ✔✔A mathematical expression of how supply and demand factors interact
in a market.
RPA ✔✔Registered professional appraiser , 5 years to get, can get in 3
RTA ✔✔Registered texas assessor / collector
RTC ✔✔Registered Texas collector
Under tdlr ✔✔Registrants must be guided by the principle that property taxation should be fair
and uniform and apply all laws, rules, methods and procedures in a uniform manner to all taxpayers
Code of ethis under tdlr ✔✔Not accept or solicit any gift, favor or service that might reasonably
tend to influence the registrant in the discharge of official duties
Appearance of Impropriety ✔✔Expectation of a lower value
appraisal district is a ✔✔Independent political subdivision
Appraisal Review Board ✔✔Approves arb orders by majority vote
Taxing unit rolls must be approved by ✔✔Taxing unit governing body
Who must approve opitionql local tax exemptions ✔✔Taxing unit governing body
Exemption determines ✔✔Taxable value
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