Your patient continues to say that he has chest discomfort. What
treatment can you repeat as long as it is not contradicted by vital signs?
o Morphine sublingual every 1 to 3 minutes
o Morphine IV every 1 to 3 minutes
o Nitroglycerine sublingual or translingual every 3 to 5 minutes
o Nitroglycerine every 1 to 3 minutes - ANSWER- o Nitroglycerine
sublingual or translingual every 3 to 5 minutes
What is your interpretation of the patient's ECG tracing?
o Anterior ST-segment elevation of myocardial infarction (STEMI)
o Ventricular tachycardia
o Posterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
o Normal sinus rhythm with premature ventricular contractions -
ANSWER- o Anterior ST-segment elevation of myocardial infarction
With the diagnosis of STEMI, what is the most probable treatment?
o Release to home
o Admission to an intensive car unit
o Admission for observation
o Admission for PCI or fibrinolysis - ANSWER- o Admission for PCI or
What is your goal for PCI when treating this patient?
o Door-to-balloon inflation time of 30 minutes
o First medical contact-to-balloon inflation time of 90 minutes
o Door-to-needle time of 90 minutes
o First medical contact-to-needle time of 30 minutes - ANSWER- o First
medical contact-to-balloon inflation time of 90 minutes
The patient's vital signs show HR 92/min, RR 14/min, BP 130/86 mm
Hg, SpO2 97%, and atrial fibrillation on the monitor. What additional
assessment and stabilization activities should be completed with the first
10 minutes after the patient's arrival?
o Establish IV access
o Order an emergent CT scan or MRI of the brain and review patient
o Monitor for worsening symptoms
o Activate the stroke team
o Complete neurologic screening
o Check glucose
o Administer O2 - ANSWER- o Establish IV access
o Order an emergent CT scan or MRI of the brain and review patient
o Activate the stroke team
o Complete neurologic screening
o Check glucose
What needs to be completed for this patient within 20 minutes after
hospital arrival?
o Neurologic assessment
o Admission to a monitored bed
o Interpretation of the emergent CT scan or MRI of the brain
o Administration of fibrinolytic therapy - ANSWER- o Neurologic
As part of the neurologic assessment, you perform a physical and
neurologic examination. What are some of the general questions you
need to ask?
o What other symptoms do you have?
o Has your wife been sick as well?
o Do you take any medications?
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