Shadow Health Mental Health TINA JONES Study Guide Exam Latest Update
what brings you in today
(Ans- Reports difficulty sleeping and "feeling nervous"
Why did you decide to seek treatment?
(Ans- Reports seeking treatment because she has an upcoming exam and
feels "too foggy to study"
how do you feel just before bed
(Ans- reports excessive worry and racing thoughts before bed
"I'm sorry to hear about your trouble sleeping and stress. I'm glad you came
in. Let me learn more about what you're experiencing, and I will try to help."
(Ans- Tina describes problems sleeping and stress-symptoms like racing
how long have you been having trouble sleeping
(Ans- Reports difficulty sleeping began 3 1/2 weeks ago
how long have your sleep difficulties lasted
(Ans- reports sleep difficulties have been occurring regularly past 3.5
how many nights a week do you have trouble sleeping
(Ans- reports difficulty sleeping at least four or five times a week
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