Charlie is the manager of an upscale bistro. Two guests, whom are regulars havehadtoomuch to drink. Afsha, the server wants to cut them off however Charlie says to let themhave one last round. The guests are sent home, as one is getting out of the cabhehasanaccident. Who is responsible; Charlie, Afsha, or Both? --------- Correct Answer --------- BothSmart Serve regularly conducts audits of completed certifications? --------- Correct Answer--------- True
Only the owner and manager of an establishment can be held legally and personallyresponsible of an intoxicated customer? --------- Correct Answer --------- False
Daniel is tending bar for a family reunion of about 50 people. All drinks must be purchasedat the bar. Can Daniel be held responsible for monitoring the amount of alcohol is soldtoeach guest? --------- Correct Answer --------- Yes, he is responsible for looking out for thesafety and sobriety of all guests. Jane, a server, is relieved when Mr. Gordon has headed home. Does her responsibilityof
him end when he leaves the establishment? --------- Correct Answer --------- No, it endswhenever Mr. Gordon is sober again. Kew is 21 years old, and a bartender. A young man sitting at the bar has had threedrinksin under an hour and is showing signs of intoxication. She refuses to serve himanymore, he gets angry and leaves. After leaving, the young man runs a red light, hitting another car.Nobody is killed, however the other driver has head trauma and broken bones. CanKewbe held civilly and criminally liable? --------- Correct Answer --------- Yes
Can a person who is being disruptive be ejected from a licensed establishment?--------- Correct Answer --------- Yes
Cai is 16 years old and wants to get a part-time job. His Uncle has offered a jobworkingat
one of his restaurants. The job includes; cleaning tables, cutting lemons and limesfor
drinks, and restocking the wine fridge behind the bar. Can he have this job? --------- Correct Answer --------- No
In Ontario, which organization is responsible for regulating the sale and service of alcohol
to public within licensed establishments?; Ministry of Tourism, Liquor Control Board, or
Alcohol Gaming and Commission of Ontario? --------- Correct Answer --------- Alcohol andGaming Commission of Ontario. Leung and his two friends have been partying at a pool hall, for about two and ahalf hours,and have each had 5-6 beers. They're starting to get louder and more disruptive. Another
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