1. The three functions of an accounting system
are to (1) analyze transactions, (2) handle
routine bookkeeping tasks, and (3) structure
information so it can be used to evaluate the
performance and health of a business.
2. The objective of decision making is to determine an appropriate course of action. The
essential elements in the decision-making
process generally include the following:
problem identification, accumulation and
analysis of facts, consideration of alternative
courses of action, formulation of a judgment,
and action. Accounting assists in this process by providing and interpreting many of
the facts (the financial data) to be considered in making decisions.
3. Many personal decisions involve the use of
accounting data. Some examples of studentrelated decisions follow:
a. Whether to borrow money from a university or from a bank for tuition assistance.
b. Whether to buy or lease a car.
c. Whether to rent or to buy a house while
going to school.
d. Whether to invest $200 on an elaborate
dinner date.
e. Whether to put a new set of tires on the
car for a spring vacation trip.
f. Whether to invest summer earnings in
certificates of deposit or in the stock
g. Whether to trade in the 10-speed bicycle
on a new 21-speed model.
h. Whether to buy a season ski pass or
pay as you go.
i. Whether to eat at the cafeteria or at
j. Whether to pay cash for a new stereo or
to purchase it on a time contract.
k. Whether to purchase a laptop computer
for schoolwork.
l. Whether to go to a private or a state
school, given different tuition and other
cost structures.
m. Whether to live in the dormitory or
commute to school.
Obviously, this list is not exhaustive. Furthermore, selecting from among these alternatives—like making most decisions—
involves many factors besides accounting
4. The term “business” refers to the general
process of producing or distributing goods or
providing services. It also may refer to an
entity that has been organized to earn a
5. Accounting is considered the “language of
business” because it provides the means of
accumulating, measuring, and recording the
successes and failures of business operations. Accounting also provides a mechanism for communicating the financial results
of businesses to the decision makers (e.g.,
investors, creditors, managers, government,
labor unions, etc.).
6. Internal and external users of accounting
information have similar needs in that both
groups are required to make financial decisions. Managers (internal users) are required to make many day-to-day decisions
in running their organizations; they generally
need more detailed and more timely information. The information supplied to managers can be in any form that fits the specific
questions and circumstances facing the
manager. Investors and creditors, the primary external users, need summarized data
to assist in making investing and lending decisions. The information supplied to external
users should follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) so that the information is consistent and comparable and,
therefore, more useful for decision making.
7. Generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP) are accounting standards recognized by the accounting profession and the
business community. These standards must
be followed when preparing financial statements for external users. Only when concepts and principles prove useful over time
are they incorporated into GAAP.
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