Tcfp HazMat Operations Possible 2023 Questions and Answers
Tcfp HazMat Operations Possible 2023
Questions and Answers
When responding to hazardous materials/WMD incidents Operations level responders
shall be able to preform the following task... Answer- 1. Analyze a HazMat incident to
determine the scope of the problem
2. Plan an initial response
3. Implement a planned response
4. Evaluate the progress
Analyzing a hazardous material incident to determine the scope of the problem
involves... Answer- 1. Surveying the incident to identify containers and materials
involved, determine if wether hazardous material has been released and evaluate the
surrounding conditions
2. Collect hazard and response information from SDS, CHEMTREC and
shipping/manufacturer contracts
3.Predict the behavior of Hazardous materials and its container
4.Estimate the potential harm through TRACE-MP
What does TRACE-MP stand for? Answer- Types of potential harm at Hazardous
Material/WMD incidents.
Psychological/ Psychogenic
The initial response at a HazMat incident is determined by.. Answer- The capabilities
and competencies of available personnel and personal protective equipment
The response objectives at a hazardous material/WMD incident include... Answer1.Evacuation
2. Search and Rescue
3. Exposure protection/ Isolating the Area
4. Defensive control techniques
5. Crime scene management and evidence preservation
6. Recovery and termination
Describe the response options available for Evacuation Answer- 1. Full scale
2. Shelter-in-place
3. Combination
Describe the response options available for Search and Rescue Answer- 1. Based on
training and equipment
2. Risk-benefit analysis (risk a lot to save a lot, risk a little to save a little)
Describe the response options available for Exposure protection/Isolating the Area
Answer- 1.Establish initial isolation zone
2.Establish protective action distance
3. Establish control zones
Describe the response options available for Defensive Control Techniques Answer- 1.
Damming (Overflow or Underflow)
2. Diking
3. Retention
4. Dispersion
5. Absorption
6. Adsorption
7. Dilution
8. Dissolution
9. Diversion
10. Vapor dispersion
11. Vapor suppression
12. Ventilation
13. Remote valve shutoff
What is Damming... Answer- Physical method of confinement by which barriers are
constructed to prevent or reduce the quantity of liquid flowing into the environment.
Consists of constructing a barrier across a waterway to stop/control the product flow
and pick up liquid or solid contaminants
What is Underflow Damming ... Answer- Spill control tactic used to trap floating lighter
than water materials behind the dam. Dam is constructed in a manner that allows
uncontaminated water to flow unobstructed under the dam while keeping the
contaminant behind the dam.
What is Overflow Damming... Answer- Spill control tactic used to trap sinking heavier
than water materials behind the dam. With the product trapped, uncontaminated water
is allowed to flow unobstructed over the top of the dam.
What is Diking... Answer- Physical method of confinement by which barriers are
constructed on ground used to control the movement of liquids, sludges, solids, or other
materials. Prevents the passage of hazmat from entering an area where it will produce
more harm.
What is retention... Answer- Physical method of confinement by which a liquid is
temporarily contained in an area where it can be absorbed, neutralized, or picked up for
proper disposal
What is dispersion... Answer- Chemical method of confinement by which certain
chemical and biological agents are used to disperse or break up the material involved in
liquid spills on water
may result in spreading the hazardous material over a large area.
What is absorption... Answer- Absorption occurs when one material enters the cell
structure of another and is retianed within. Absorbents retain the properties of the
materials they absorb and must be treated and disposed of as hazardous material
What is adsorption... Answer- Adsorption is different from absorption in that the
molecules of the hazardous materials physically adhere to the adsorbent material
Adsorbents do not swell like absorbents
Produces heat and can cause spontaneous combustion must be disposed of properly.
Examples: activated charcoal, silica, aluminum gel, fuller's eath, POROUS clay and
other clays
What is dilution.. Answer- Dilution involves applying water to a water soluble material in
order to reduce the hazard. It is a useful way to preform decontamination but it is not a
practical practical spill control method as it typically requires so much water that it
creates a runoff problem
What is dissolution... Answer- Dissolution is the process of dissolving a gas in water.
This tactic can only be used on water-soluble gases such as chlorine or anhydrous
What is Diversion... Answer- Physical method of confinement by which barriers are
constructed on ground or placed in a waterway to intentionally control the movement of
a hazmat into an area where it will pose less harm to the community and the
What is Vapor Dispersion... Answer- Vapor dispersion is that action taken todirect or
influence the course of airborne hazardous material. Pressurized streams (hoselines or
unattended master streams) create turbulence which increase the rate of mixing with air
and reduces the concentration of the hazardous material
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