You should assess the level of consciousness of an injured officer by using the
A.V.P.U. System? - Alert, Verbal Stimuli, Painful stimuli, Unresponsive
When you see a massive injury that looks non-survivable at first glance, the
person probably will not survive? - False
An exit wound from a bullet is always bigger that the entrance wound. - False
It is almost impossible to assess an injure to the body based on the location of the
entrance and exit wounds? - True
A handgun bullet is more likely to change shape on impact, increase its surface
area and cause more damage? - True
When treating victims from a bas , the three basic mechanisms that does damage
to the body are: the overpressure wave wind and thermal. - True
A type of injury from a blast that causes damage to the lungs, ears and brain. -
Primary blast injury
Ammunitions fired from a handgun only does damage to organs it touches
whereas ammunition shot from a high impact weapon damages organs far outside
the track of the bullet. - True
The body will go into irreversible shock if it loses half of its blood volume (2.5
Liters). - True
The Wound Date and Munitions Effectiveness (WDMET) Study conclusion indicated:
- - A configuration that puts a caregiver at the patient's side within a few seconds
to minutes of wounding is of great benefit.
- The wounded should be treated quickly and sufficiently and not wait for
evacuation to care.
- Forward placement of medical asset and medically trained personnel greatly.
The WDMET Study indicated that extremity wounds are by far most common wound
in combat. - True
Which three injuries were identified by the Bellamy Study that indicated 15% of
combat deaths are easily preventable? - Airway obstruction, tension
pneumothorax and bleeding from extremity wounds.
Rapid, simple, stabilizing treatment at or near the scene, plus expedient
evacuation to a medical facility provides the maximal survival rate for injured. -
The goal of this course is to provide evidence based, well proven, basic medical
and first aid skills in caser you or another officer are seriously injured in the line
of duty. - True
In the video from the shooting in Tucson Arizona, the first Deputies on the scene
used what materials to save lives in the first five minutes after the Senator
Gifford shooting? - Items from the Emergency Aid kits which they had recently
been trained on.
There are essentially how many systems in your body that performs all of the
major functions of the body? - 7
Which two systems of the body are the most important to understand in an officer
down situation? - Circulatory and respiratory systems
What is the largest artery in the body that takes the blood from the heart and
delivers it throughout the body? - Aorta
Arterial bleeding can be recognized by its bright red color which is due to its
oxygenated state and may pulse. - True
Capillary bleeding is extremely life threating and should always be treated
immediately. - False
The acronym TCCC means? - Tactical Combat Casualty Care
The TCCC was designed for care on the battlefield and it fails to account for
differences in the civilian setting. Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) was
developed to establish a medical framework to balance: - - A different threat
- The civilian scope of practice.
- Differences in the civilian population with wider age ranges.
- Medical equipment limits and variable resources.
TECC is designed to allow non-medically trained personnel guidelines for basic
stabilizing care that can be learned and applied at any level of provider. - True
The goal of TECC is: - - To mitigate tactical threat to minimize additional
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