The Water Cycle And Water Insecurity Exam Style Questions And Answers
Describe how deforestation is affecting the Amazon basin - The amount of water
returning to the atmosphere by evapotranspiration is greatly reduced — from
75% to 25% of intercepted water. More precipitation enters the river by runoff.
Overland flow increases the amount of soil erosion. Huge quantities of soil are
entering the rivers and causing extensive silting. Mudslides are increasing in
frequency and scale. The flood risk is raised by the faster runoff. Aquifers are
becoming depleted because less water infiltrates to recharge them
Name three other ways in which people disrupt the drainage basin cycle - Urban
growth; constructing dams and reservoirs; abstracting water for irrigation
Distinguish between a water budget and a river regime - Water budget is the
difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration, which varies from place
to place and seasonally. River regime is the seasonal variation in the discharge or
flow of a river and it too varies, but from drainage basin to drainage basin
How does climate affect water budget? - It affects the amount of precipitation
received, while temperatures affect rates of evaporation and transpiration
Identify three physical factors affecting a river's regime - Amount and intensity of
precipitation; geology and soils; vegetation cover
How do you explain the seasonal variations in runoff when rainfall is evenly
distributed throughout the year? - The lower runoff during the summer and early
autumn is due to the higher temperatures and high water losses due to
evapotranspiration. Also the dry ground means that much of the rain infiltrates
and percolates below ground
What is a storm hydrograph? - A storm hydrograph shows the response of a
river's discharge following a period of rainfall. A critical aspect of the hydrograph
is the lag time between the rainfall peak and the river's peak discharge
How does geology affect the shape of a storm hydrograph? - If the geology is hard
and impervious, then the speed of runoff will be such as to result in a relatively
short lag time. If the geology is soft and porous, then runoff will be less and the
water will reach the river more slowly as it takes place below ground. The lag time
will be relatively long
Why does urbanisation increase the risk of flooding? - The large areas of concrete
and tarmac mean that most falling rain becomes surface runoff which moves
quickly to the nearest stream or river. Underground drains and sewers also move
water quickly to drainage channels. Because of this swift transfer of water, rivers
quickly reach the bank-full stage and water begins to overspill their channels as
What is meant by a store and a flow? - A store is where water is held for varying
amounts of 'residence' time. A flow is the movement of water between stores
Identify the three largest stores in size order - 1. The oceans
2. Icecaps and glaciers
3. Groundwater
Which two water stores are non-renewable, and why? - 1. Fossil water: old, deep
groundwater from former wetter periods
2. Losses from the cryosphere: melting of ice as a result of global warming
Distinguish between blue and green water - Blue water is stored in rivers, lakes
and groundwater in liquid form — a visible part of the hydrological cycle. Green
water is water stored in the soil and vegetation — an invisible part of the
hydrological cycle
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