Trauma fisdap Test Questions
1. 53 yo F hit by car. Unresponsive w/ deformity to the left femur and pelvic instability. Diminished lung
sounds on L side. You should?
o *Perform detailed physical assessment/stabilize left femur with traction splint/immobilize long
backboard/transport to nearest emergency room
2. 28 yo M, blunt trauma to R anterior chest. Pale, cool, diaphoretic and responsive to verbal. R 38 and
shallow with paradoxical movement. What should you do?
o ALS back up/02 non rebreather/stabilize chest with bulky dressing/02 with positive pressure
3. What is the most likely cause of periorbital ecchymosis?
o Basicular skull fracture/ blow out fracture/ subdermal hematoma/ epidural hematoma
4. 30 yo M shot in mid thigh. Bleeding continues after partner applies direct pressure. You should?
o Tourniquet/ continue pressure and transport rapidly/ elevate leg and place pressure dressing/
check for PMS
5. 28 yo Pt driver motorcycle traveling 45 mph hit parked car. Not wearing a helmet. Supine with copious
amount of blood around face. Gurgling and R 4 per min. Most appropriate?
o Jaw thrust without head tilt/ head tilt and jaw thrust/ chin lift without head tilt/ head lift with chin
6. M fell while water skiing. Unconscious. Suspect?
o Head and spine injury/ hypothermia/anaphylaxis/heat related injury
7. Appropriate care for amputated extremity?
o Wrap in dry gauze, seal in plastic bag, and place in cool water/ice cooler and immediate
trans/moist gauze keep cool with cold packs/immerse in cool water for improved tissue
8. 28 yo Pt driver motorcycle traveling 45 mph hit parked car. Not wearing a helmet. Supine with copious
amount of blood around face. Gurgling and R 4 per min. Most appropriate?
o Suction airway/ BVM/ C-collar/ control bleeding
9. 18 yo M holding right shin after sports related injury. Deformity and swelling; pedal pulse present. You
o Apply board splint in position found/ stabilize limb at hip and ankle/ traction, realign limb/ ice
pack and elevate limb
10. Pedestrian hit by car. Pale, cool, and diaphoretic. Oriented to name only and has difficulty breathing.
BP 80/40, P 120, R 28 and shallow. 90% SPO2. You should?
o BVM/ nonrebreather/ NPA/ long backboard
11. 81 yo F healthcare facility fell out of bed. Nurse suspects hip fracture. Which medication should
concern you the most?
o Coumadin/ albuterol/ nitro/ insulin
12. You are treating a patient with agonal respirations and gunshot wound to the chest. You notice an
open skull fracture leaking brain matter. There is no radial pulse, you should?
o Discontinue treatment and protect crime scene/ collect the brain matter and transport rapidly/
assess a carotid pulse and assist ventilations / begin CPR and place airway adjunct
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