1. What is an ancient Indian concept?
Answer: Ayurveda
2. The development of comedones through comedogenic product exposureusually takes how
Answer: 4-6 months
3. Flares of acne without comedones are
Answer: Inflammatory acne
4. Noninflammatory lesions usually called blackheads are known as
Answer: opencomedones
5. which acid isthe smallest molecularsize and penetrates between cells morereadily than the
other AHA's?
Answer: Glycolic acid
6. certified colors that are regulated by the FDA are known as
Answer: lakes
7. technical term for itching is
Answer: pruritis
8. raised lesion that is larger and deeper in the skin and looks like a lump, butthe skin can be
moved over the lesion
Answer: Nodule
9. Opening of a follicle
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