Human Capital ✔✔The knowledge, competency, and motivation that resides in the HR of an
Buy or Build Decisions ✔✔The decision orgs face relating to investments in selecting new
employees vs. investments in training and development of current HR
Human Resource Management (HRM) ✔✔The entire set of activities used by an organization to
align its human capitla with organizational objectives and strategies
Orientation ✔✔First training program a new employee encounters, designed to clarify
expectations, policies, and the business model, organization culture, and so forth. Longer versions
of this are known as on-boarding
Resource-based View (RBV) ✔✔A view that envisions organizations as bundles of resources,
such as people, capital, plant, and equipment
Competitive Advantage ✔✔The ability to provide a product or service to a paying customer in a
way that cannot be easily matched by a competitor
Intangible Resources ✔✔As opposed to tangible resources (such as plant and equipment), these
resources are difficult to quantify and to copy. Examples include tacit knowledge of employees,
informal networking systems, intellectual property, and certain organizational capabilities such as
short product development cycle times
Human Capital ✔✔Examples include tacit knowledge, education and experience, work related
know how
Social Capital ✔✔Examples include corporate culture, management philosophy and practices,
coaching/mentoring relationships, and informal networking systems
Intellectual Capital ✔✔Examples include patents and trade secrets, copyrights, and intellectual
Organizational Capability ✔✔Examples include Bringing new products to market quickly, absorb
and integrate other cultures in a merger, identify customer needs and respond directly to them, and
continuously improve production processes to drive down costs
Training ✔✔Learning that is planned by the organization and designed so as to further
organizational objectives
Development ✔✔Training that is longer term in focus, designed to help employees prepare for
future jobs
Learning ✔✔A relatively permanent change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, or social behavior
resulting from practice or experience
Goals of Training ✔✔1) Improve Self-Awareness
2) Enhance knowledge and skill levels in one or more areas of expertise
3) Increase the motivation to do the job well
ADDIE Model ✔✔A common framework for training and development where the five steps in
the model are Assessment, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
e-learning ✔✔The use of electronic technologies to deliver info and facilitate te development of
skils and knowledge
Learning Organization ✔✔An org that is capable of adapting quickly to changing environment by
learning at three levels, individual, team, and organizational
Copyright Act of 1976 ✔✔The law prohibits the printing, duplication, or distribution or copies of
another's literary, artistic, or other creative expressions except under certain circumstances
Fair Use ✔✔A provision of the Copyright Act that allows the use of copyrights works under certain
conditions depending on purpose, nature, percent, amount, and effect on market value
Civil Rights Act of 1964 ✔✔Law prohibits discrimination in employment practices on the basis
of race, color, national origin, religion, and sex
Adverse Impact ✔✔A substantially different rate of selection in hiring, promotion, or other
employment decision, which works to the disadvantage of members of a race, sex, or ethnic group
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ✔✔A law that states an employer may not discriminate
against either an applicant or a current employee because he or she was previously disabled or
appears to be disabled
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