How does the teacher know the student is not meeting competency in Tier 1? -
ANSWER- Data analysis.
RATIONALE - Is the rate of learning sufficient for the student to reach the
average range with peers in a reasonable amount of time? - Can the intensity of
interventions be maintained in the general education classroom or is more needed?
- Is the student able to reach the average range with accommodations? :
Remember, anyone can have an accommodation. We are simply providing access.
What happens to a student who is not meeting competency in Tier 1? - ANSWERBegins additional small group instruction and more intensive monitoring - Tier 2.
What happens in Tier 2? - ANSWER- This is supplemental to what the student
continues to receive in Tier 1. - A small group of students may be pulled aside
while Tier 1 students are completing some independent work or working in
stations. - Tier 2 focuses on specific skill-building and practice. - The teacher
chunks down what was taught in Tier 1 and reteaches a smaller chunk, using
different strategies and tools.
RATIONALE For example, if the students are working on 1:1 correspondence for
numerals 1-10; in the Tier 2 group, the students might work on numerals 1-5. - The
small group might meet 2-3 times per week to practice the skill. - Skill progress is
assessed more frequently than in Tier 1. - Goal is for student to reach the average
range in the skill and return to success in Tier 1.
How do we know if the student is making adequate progress in Tier 2? -
ANSWER- Example of a student responding positively to the Intervention This
fourth grade student had 9 weeks of small group instruction 1 hour/day, 5
RATIONALE Progress monitoring results indicated a 24-point increase, At the
current Rate of Improvement (ROI), the student will "catch up" to the 4th grade
EOY benchmark with an additional 3 weeks of instruction
What is Tier 3 intervention in RTI? - ANSWER- This is supplemental to what the
student continues to receive in Tier 1.
RATIONALE - An individual student may be pulled aside while Tier 1 students
are completing some independent work or working in stations. -bTier 3 focuses on
more time, more attention and special resources - The small group might meet 4-5
times per week to practice the skill. - Skill progress is assessed more frequently
than in Tier 2 - Goal is for student to reach the average range in the skill and return
to success in Tier 1.
Is Tier 3 Special Education? - ANSWER- No. Tier 3 is part of general education.
What is the IDEA Special Rule for eligibility determination? - ANSWER- Under
Section 300.306 of IDEA, the Special Rule states that a student cannot be found
eligible for special education if, the main challenge for the student is:
o Lack of appropriate instruction in reading
o Lack of appropriate instruction in math
o Limited English proficiency
Why is the IDEA Special Rule for eligibility determination important in prereferral? - ANSWER- • The general education staff must provide data to the
eligibility determination team that demonstrates the student has had appropriate
instruction in reading and math. The student has had the opportunity to learn those
academic subjects.
RATIONALE • The general education staff must provide data to the eligibility
team that demonstrates that in addition to limited English proficiency, a disability
is also suspected. ELs can have disabilities. Learning English is NOT a disability.
When is a Tier 3 student referred to special education? - ANSWER- • The student
is not making progress
RATIONALE •The general education team is confident that their data meet the
standards for IDEA's Special Rule.
What is Child Find? - ANSWER- • Child Find is part of the Zero Reject principle
of IDEA.
• Child Find requires states/districts to identify, locate, and evaluate (if appropriate)
students who need special education.
• Anyone with knowledge about a child can refer the child for special education
If a student is referred under Child Find, is the district required to evaluate the
student? - ANSWER- No. The school must consider the request to evaluate. If
there is no reason to think the student has a disability, the school does NOT need to
Which cases are most closely related to the IDEA principles of Zero Reject and
Child Find? - ANSWER- PARC and Mills : Prior Written Notice (PWN) and
Informed Written Consent
What is Prior Written Notice? - ANSWER- • It is one of the procedural safeguards
provided to parents and students in IDEA.
• Written explanation of an action the school want to take that concerns the student.
• Designed to keep parents up to date on important decisions for their child
What must be included in a Prior Written Notice for eligibility determination? -
ANSWER- • An explanation of what the district plans to do. In this case, assess the
child to determine if they are eligible for an IEP.
• A description of other options and why they were rejected. You must be specific
here. The student received extra help general education with reading. His skills
remain significantly below grade level.
• A description of each assessment used in decision making. For eligibility
determination, the assessment plan is attached.
• A reminder that parents have rights to procedural safeguards and due process
• Information about how the parent can get a written copy of their rights
• Contact information to get help in understanding their rights.
What must the district do to ensure parents understand the PWN? - ANSWER- •
Write the PWN so anyone in the general public can understand it
RATIONALE • Provide the PWN in the mode parent's normally use (native
language if they do not read English, Braille, large print, etc.)
What is the legal definition of "consent" under IDEA? - ANSWER- Consent must
be informed. The parent must understand what they are agreeing to. The Prior
Written Notice (PWN) must be in parent's primary mode of communication (native
language or Braille)
RATIONALE •Consent must include a written signature. A verbal agreement
does not qualify as consent.
• Consent is voluntary. It can be withdrawn at any time.
What does IDEA mean when it says "parents?" - ANSWER- • Under IDEA, the
person legally responsible is the person who can give consent.
• Often the consent giver will be the biological parent.
• Could include grandparents, step parents, surrogate parent appointed by the court,
or a court-appointed guardian.
Does the parent have to agree to eligibility determination assessment? - ANSWERo No.
RATIONALE o The school will not be able to assess for eligibility determination.
o The child will "stay put" in the general education classroom
Stay Put is one of the procedural safeguards provided to parents and students in
Evaluation for Special Education - ANSWER- • Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
• Assessment Plan Design
• Administration and Interpretation of Results
What is the purpose of evaluation in special education? - ANSWER- • Determine if
the student meets the IDEA definition of "Child with a disability"
• Gather information to determine the unique needs of the student
•Guide the decision-making about appropriate education in the least restrictive
What is IDEA's definition of a "Child with a disability?" - ANSWER- The student
has one of the disabilities listed in IDEA AND because of the disabilities requires
specially designed instruction and related services.
What are the disability categories found in IDEA? - ANSWER- 1. Autism
Spectrum Disorder
2. Deafness
3. Deaf-blindness
4. Developmental delay (defined by each state)
5. Emotional disturbance
6. Hearing impairment
7. Intellectual disability
8. Multiple disabilities
9. Orthopedic impairment
10. Other health impairment
11. Specific learning disability
12. Speech or language impairment
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