Non-Experimental Research Methods - CORRECT ANSWER Correlation and
Casual Comparative
Correlation research method - CORRECT ANSWER non-experimantal research
method. A process to collect data to determine if a relationship exists between
two or more quantitative variables, and to what degree.
Correlation Coefficient - CORRECT ANSWER Strength and direction of a
relationship between two variables. range of +1 to -1
Positive Correlation - CORRECT ANSWER r=+1 (points follow along a line)
Negative Correlation - CORRECT ANSWER r=-1 (no correlation is a 0 and looks
like a gun shot all over)
Variable - CORRECT ANSWER a condition or characteristic that can take on
different values or categories (such as age, GPA, gender, etc.)
Descriptive Statistics - CORRECT ANSWER Goal is to describe, summarize, or
make sense of a particular set of data.
Inferential Statistics - CORRECT ANSWER where researchers use the laws of
probability to make inferences about populations based on sample data.
Strengths of Quantitative Research - CORRECT ANSWER -Testing and validating
already constructed theories
-Can generalize research findings when based on random samples
-Determining nomothetic consumption (general scientific casual relationships)
-Quick and cheap
Qualitative Research purpose - CORRECT ANSWER Collects text or imagery data
to gain a deeper understanding of existing phenomena, gain insight on insider
perspective. Exploration, discovery, understanding
Quantitative Research Purpose - CORRECT ANSWER Collect numerical data.
Purpose is to describe, predict, control, or explain. Narrow lens approach (topdown)
Linguistic-relativity hypothesis - CORRECT ANSWER (assumptions of qualitative
research) Intuits' local languages might allow them to see distinctions that you do
not notice.
Empathetic Understanding - CORRECT ANSWER (assumptions of qualitative
research) I can appreciate where you're coming from. I have an interest in you
Ontology (Qualitative Assumption) - CORRECT ANSWER (inherit understanding)
Take on personal, mental, subjective, personal, constructed
Epistemology (Qualitative Assumption) - CORRECT ANSWER (theory of
knowledge) Everything is relative, varying standards, individual/group justification,
social construction. Overall understanding of how knowledge is created.
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