11-2AEV3 Review Exam 2025/2026 Update
Primary Intratheater Aircraft - ANS-C130, C17, KC-135, C-21
Inter-theater Aircraft - ANS-C17 and KC135
Opportune Aircraft - ANS-KC-10 and C-5
Who determines AE mission patient load size/composition? - ANS-C2 (PMRC,
Vested with ultimate mission authority and responsible for each course-of-action they
choose to take - ANS-Pilot in Command (PIC)
Who approves waivers in AE? - ANS-AMC/A3/DO
Three types of waivers - ANS-1. Permanent
2. Long Term - Affect multiple missions but NOT PERMANENT
3. Short term - Only for specific missions
Local Supplement Coordination Process - Who defines local operating procedures to
AFI 11-2AEV3? - ANS-Operations Group Commanders (OG/CC)
Who is lead command for AE? (Which MAJCOM) - ANS-HQ AMC
Who is executive agent for operational AE missions? - ANS-HQ AMC Directorate of
Operations (AMC/A3)
Who establishes standards for system-wide organization, eqiupage, and training for AE
force? - ANS-AMC/A3/SG
Who is ultimately in command of all persons in the aircraft and is final mission authority
and makes decisions not assigned to higher authority? - ANS-PIC
MCD duties - ANS-1. Qualified flight nurse responsible for overall supervision of patient
care and management of AEC assigned to AE missions
2. Advises PIC on patients' conditions and use of medical equipment that may affect
aircraft operations
3. Directly responsible for safety and medical well-being of patients on the aircraft and
coordinates enplaning and deplaning procedures with supporting agencies.
4. In matters of patient care, decisions of MCD are final
CMT duties - ANS-1. Qualified AET responsible for supervision and management of
AETs assigned to perform duties on missions.
2. Ensures medical supplies and equipment are on aircraft and installed equipment is
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