1. Skin care product used to further cleanse the skin while properly balancing th pH; Also
called toner or skin refiner.
Answer: Astringents
2. Skin care product that assists in cleansing skin and returns normal to dry skin to a normal
Answer: Toners
3. Types of Massage.
Answer: Effleurage, petrissage, tapotement, friction and viberation.
4. Massage movement involving a light, relaxing, smooth, gentle, stroking or circular
movement carried out with the pads of the fingertips or the palms ofthe hand.
Answer: Effleurage
5. Massage manipulation involving light or heavy kneading, pinching androlling of the
Answer: Petrissage
6. Also know as percussion;Massage manipulation that involveslight tappingor slapping
movement applied with the fingertips or partly flexed fingers.
Answer: - Tapotement
7. Circular or wringing massage manipulation with no gliding; Usually per-formed with the
fingertips or palms of the hands.
Answer: Friction
8. Shaking massage manipulation achieved when the esthetician quickly shakes his or her
arms while the fingertips or palms are touching the client.-
Answer: Vibration
9. Thicker, pigmented
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