Solutions – Accounting Essentials for Hospitality
Managers (3rd edition)
Problem 1.1: Solution
a) Functional interdependency exists when the performance of one functional area is
affected by the performance of a separate functional area. For example, in a hotel complex
that is dominated by a casino, the success of the rooms and food and beverage departments
will be affected by the success of the casino operations in attracting clients to the complex.
b) Functional interdependency is an important issue for the designers of a hotel’s system of
accountability because care should be taken to hold a manager accountable for only those
aspects of the hotel’s performance that he or she can influence. For example, the heads of
rooms and food and beverage departments should not be held accountable for a decrease in
their room sales if it is caused by reduced casino activity.
Problem 1.2: Solution
a) The four main dimensions of sales volatility in the hotel industry are:
1. economic cycle induced sales volatility,
2. seasonal sales volatility,
3. weekly sales volatility,
4. intra-day sales volatility.
b) The implications that these dimensions of sales volatility carry for hotel accounting
systems are as follows:
1. Economic cycle induced volatility: Hotel sales’ high susceptibility to general economic
conditions highlights the importance of hotels carefully forecasting economic cycles as
part of the annual budgeting process.
2. Seasonal sales volatility: Three accounting implications arise:
• Seasonal sales volatility can be so severe to warrant temporary closure for some
resort properties. This possibility of having to make a closure decision signifies that
cost and revenue data should be recorded in a manner that will enable a well
informed financial analysis of the pros and cons of closing.
• Seasonal sales volatility can also pose particular cash management issues. During
the middle and tail-end of the busy seasons, surplus cash balances are likely to
result, while in the off-season and the build up to the busy season, deficit cash
balances are likely to result. Careful cash budgeting will therefore need to be
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