1. Bivariate regression.
2. One-way MANOVA.
3. Path analysis.
4. t test of independent samples.
5. Bivariate correlation.
6. Discriminant analysis or logistic regression.
7. One-way ANCOVA.
8. One-way MANCOVA.
9. Multiple regression.
10. One-way ANOVA.
11. Factorial MANOVA.
12. Logistic regression.
13. Factorial MANCOVA.
14. Factor analysis.
Chapter 3
1. (a) No missing values. (b) No. Frequencies in groups are equivalent. (c) Below median: outliers would
be those ≥ 22.5; above median: outliers would be those ≥ 17. (d) Below median: 64; above median: 26
and 57. (e) Distributions display moderate positive skewness and would be transformed by taking the
square root. (f) No. Levene’s test is significant, which indicates unequal variance between groups.
2. Taking the inverse produced the most normal distribution.
3. (a) All variables should be transformed: grad94 is moderately positive (SQRT); loinc93 is moderately
negative (SQRT[K-X]); read94me is substantially positive (LG10[X]); math94me is substantially positive
(LG10[X]). (b) Zero subjects exceeded the chi-square critical value of 18.467. (c) Some variables
display slight curvilinear tendencies. (d) Homoscedasticity is questionable because residuals do not
cluster around the center; however, there is a nice horizontal spread throughout the plot.
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