AORN PERIOP 101 Advanced Review Solution Qs&As
All the following professionals are qualified to provide anesthesia to a patient EXCEPT:
a) anesthesiologist
c) anesthesiology assistant
d) operating surgeon - CORRECT ANS->d) operating surgeon
Of the following, which is not used to secure airway:
a) ET tube
b) LMA
c) nasal cannula
d) oral airway - CORRECT ANS->c) nasal cannula
The perioperative team should know the location of equipment stored in the OR and in the department.
Equipment that the anesthesia provider may request includes:
a) video laryngoscopy devices
b) fiberoptic bronchoscopes
c) suction tips and devices
d) all of the above - CORRECT ANS->d) all of the above
General Anesthesia - CORRECT ANS->a drug-induced reversible state of unconsciousness, it includes
amnesia, analgesia, loss of responsiveness, decreased stress response, and loss of skeletal muscle
reflexes to varying degree
Regional Anesthesia - CORRECT ANS->an injection of local anesthetics near nerve fibers to cause
reversible loss of sensation over an area of the body, common examples include spinal, epidural, and
peripheral nerve blocks
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