Preferred nesting habitat for pipping plovers - ✔✔-Open sandy beaches between sparsely vegetated
sand dunes.
-Washovers b/c provide moist & undisturbed habitat
Describe Change in # of pipping plover nests on Assateague Island between 1999
and 2009. - ✔✔Decreased to half and shifted to the east where there is more unvegetated sand
Describe one likely reason for the change in the number of piping plover nests between 1999
and 2009. - ✔✔Piping Plover populations have declined in their nesting range as a result of habitat
destruction and alteration due to dam construction and channelization projects along rivers and
streams, as well as the draining and filling of shallow wetlands.
Describe one restriction that
could reasonably be implemented to help prevent the destruction of plover nests by human actions. -
✔✔Pack out your food waste and trash
- Human activity near plover nests can attract predators when food scraps and other sorts of litter are
left on the beach.
Explain one way that barrier islands help to preserve and protect the
environment in coastal regions. - ✔✔Protects the coast from the full force of powerful storm waves.
they protect the coastlines from severe storm damage.
Identify one human action that directly threatens coastal habitats and describe one impact on species,
other than the piping plover, that use the habitat. - ✔✔Burning of fossil fuels contributes to global
warming, leading to ocean acidification which leads to the death of marine life like oysters in the Pacific
Identify one economic impact on coastal communities that has resulted from rising sea levels -
✔✔Chronic flooding of housing that can potentially impact municipal tax bases that help fund local
Describe TWO methods that may be used locally to protect coastal communities from rising sea levels -
✔✔green infrastructure can help mitigate the flooding that can arise when much of the ground in an
area is covered by asphalt and other impervious surfaces.
--rain garden
vegetation: provides buffer to upland areas and breaks small waves.
Identify one ecological benefit, other than providing habitat, that is provided by forests. - ✔✔Nutrient
cycling, water and air purification
Identify one economic benefit that is provided by forests. - ✔✔Farming income
Describe TWO environmental consequences, other than those related to the loss of boreal forest
that result from the extraction of bitumen or the transportation of synthetic oil to customers. - ✔✔--The
greenhouse gas emissions for oil sand extraction and processing are significantly larger than for
conventional crude oil. These emissions contribute to global warming and the enhanced greenhouse
-- The extraction of bitumen from oil sands requires a large amount of water, and thus water use is a
concern when looking at oil sands extraction. Water used in the oil sands can be recycled, but only small
amounts of this water are returned to the natural cycle.
Assuming the above extraction rate, calculate how many days will be needed to extract the recoverable
volume of bitumen from the oil sands. - ✔✔73bill/1mill= 73000 days
Calculate how many years will be needed to fully extract the recoverable volume of bitumen from the
oil sands - ✔✔7300/365days=200years
Monthly production of synthetic crude oil is 30 million barrels. Producing one barrel of synthetic crude
uses two barrels of heated freshwater. Calculate the number of barrels of freshwater needed each year
supply this demand. - ✔✔30mill*12months*2=720,000,000 barrels
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