ACD/CPD/CPD2 - answer 21 days CPDA-1 - answer 35 days Infants HDFN from ABO - answer Spherocytes 1st pregnancy O mother Permanent deferral - answer Hepatitis after 11 HIV T. Cruzi CJD 1 unit or PRBC - answer Raises hemoglobin 1g and hematocrit 3% Leukoreduced RBCs - answer Less than 5 x 10^6 to prevent febrile non hemolytic reactions Cryoprecipitate - answer Factor 8 vWF Fibrinogen For DIC 6 hours Platelets 1unit - answer 5000 10000 Irradiated blood - answer Prevent GVHD Ulex europaeus - answer Anti H lectin Dolichos biflorus - answer Anti A1 lectin Amount of H greatest to least - answer O A2 B A1 A1B Most immunogenicity antigen - answer D Weak D - answer Negative immediate spin and positive AHG Weak D donor - answer Must be labeled Rh positive Weak D patient - answer Receives D negative D control - answer AB positive Any D negative IgM antibodies - answer I H MN P1 Lewis IgG antibodies - answer Rh group K Duffy Jk I, i antibody - answer i converts to I as infant matures Destroyed by enzymes - answer MN S Duffy Enhanced by enzymes - answer Rh Kids Lewis I P1 Dosage - answer MNS Rh Kids Duffy Top three acute/immediate transfusion reactions and mortality - answer TRALI, hemolytic transfusion reactions and TACO IgE antibodies - answer Mild Allergic reactions IgA antibodies - answer Severe transfusion allergic reaction Anaphylactic Positive hemolysis with negative DAT - answer Sickle cell crisis Thalassemia/G6PD deficient Unit overheated or frozen All cells hemolysis Kernicterus - answer Excess bilirubin in newborn HDFN from Rh - answer Retics DAT positive Immediate jaundice After first baby Rosette - answer Screening for fetal hemorrhage Kleihauer Betke - answer Quantitative fetal maternal bleed Primary immune response - answer IgM Secondary immune response - answer IgG Type 1 hypersensitivity - answer Anaphylactic Immediate Type 2 hypersensitivity - answer Antibody depending cytotoxicity Transfusion reactions Hashimotos Good pasture Type 3 hypersensitivity - answer Immune complex Rheumatoid arthritis SLE Type 4 hyper sensitivity - answer Delayed Monocytes and lymphocytes Ouchterlony - answer Antibodies added to pre-cut wells in center of agar plate and patient Sera and standards are alternated in wells surrounding the center well EIA/ELISA - answer Sandwich technique HCG Nephelometry - answer Insoluble complexes Why is pass-through suspension scattered light absorbance is proportional to the number of insoluble complexes compared to standards Antibody concentration Immunofluorescence direct - answer Add florescence labeled anti-body to patient tissue wash and examined under fluorescent microscope Immunofluorescence indirect - answer Add patient serum to reagent wash add florescence label to anti-globulin wash and examined under microscope FPIA (Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay) - answer Add reagent antibody and fluorescent tact antigen to patient serum Increase polarize light as a negative test decrease polarized light as a positive test Sensitivity - answer TP/ TP + FN x 100 Specificity - answer TN / TN + FP x 100 Non lattice - answer More sensitive immunoassays nephelometry Lattice - answer Less sensitive C reactive protein - answer Acute phase protein Inflammation Syphilis - answer T palladium FTA abs TPI Dark field microscopy VDRL - answer Syphilis CSF screening but can be positive for malaria RPR - answer Charcoal for syphilis More sensitive but Les specific infectious mononucleosis - answer EBV Lymphocytes B cells Burkets disease? Autoimmune diseases - answer SLE Sjögren's syndrome Scleroderma RA Recent acute hepatitis A infection - answer Anti HaV Acute hep B infection - answer Highly infectious HBsAg
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