1. The nurse is planning discharge teaching for a client who had an evacuation of
gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) two days ago. Which information is most
important for the nurse to include in this client’s teaching plan?
A. Oral contraceptive use for at least one year.
2. T h e nurs e is planning care for a client at 30 - week s gestation w h o is experiencing
preterm labor. W h a t m aternal prescription is m os t im portant in preventing this fetus
from developing respirator y distress s yn d ro m e?
C. Betamethasone (Celestone) 12 mg deep IM.
3. T h e nur se places o ne hand ab o ve the s ym ph ysis while m assagi ng the
fundus of a m ultiparous client w hos e uterine tone is bo g g y 1 5 m inutes after
delivering a 7 p o un d 1 0 o u nce infant. W hich inform ation should the nurse
provide the client about this fiding? B. B o t h the lower uterine s eg m en t a n d
the fun dus m u s t b e m a s s ag ed .
4. W hic h instruction should the nurse inc lude in the dis charge teaching plan of a 7-
year-old girl with a histor y of frequent urinary tract infections?
D. Monitor for changes in urinary odor.
5. A pregnant w o m a n in the first trimester of pregnanc y h as a hem oglobin of 8.6
m g/dl a n d a hem atocrit of 25.1%. W h a t foot should the nurse encour age this client to
include in her diet? B. Chicken.
6. The newborn nursery admission protocol includes a prescption for phytonadione
(Vitamin K1, AquaMEPHYTON) 0.5 mg IM to newborns upon admission. The ampoule
provides 2 mg/ml. How many ml should the nurse administer?
7. T h e nur se is preparing to adm inister m ethylergonovine m aleate (Methergine) to
a pos tpartum client. Ba s e d o n what as sessm e nt finding should the nurse withhold
the drug? C. Blo od pres sure 149/90.
8. T h e nurse is preparing a 10- year-old with a lacerated forehead for suturing. Both
parents and a 12- year-old sibling are the child beds ide. W hi c h instruction bes t
supports this fam ily? A. “ While waiting for the healthcare provider, only one
visitor may stay with the child ”
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