1) A n u rse is c arin g fo r a c lient wit h hy p e rpa r a t hy r o idi s m a n d no t e s th a t
t h e c lient's s e r u m ca lci u m level is 13 m g / dL . W h i c h m e d i c a tio n s h o u ld t h e
n u rse pr e pa re to a d minist e r a s pr e s c ribe d to t h e client?
1. Calcium chloride
1. Calcium gluconate
2. Calcitonin (Miacalcin)
3. L a r g e do s e s o f vit a min D
4. 3. Calcitonin(Miacalcin)
Rationa le:
Th e normal se rum calcium level is 8.6 to 10.0 mg /dL. Thi s client is
experienc ing hypercalcemia. Calcium gluconate and cal c ium chloride
are medications used for the treatmen t of tetany , wh i ch occur s as a
result of acute hypoc alcemia. In hypercalcemia, large doses of vitamin
D n ee d to be avoided. Calcitonin, a thyroid h or mon e , decreases the
plasma calcium level by inhibiting bone resorption and lowering the
se r u m calc ium concentration.
2.) Oral iron supplements are presc ribed for a 6 -year-old child with iron
defic iency anemia. Th e nur se instructs the mo the r to admini ster the iron
with wh i ch best food item?
1. Milk
1. Water
2. Apple juice
3. Or an g e juice
4. Orangejuice
Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron by the body . The mo the r should
be instructed to administer the medication with a citrus fruit or a juice
that is high in vitamin C. Milk m ay affect absorption of the iron. Wate r will
not assi st in absorption. Or an ge juice contains a greater am oun t of
vitamin C than apple juice.
3.) Salicylic ac id is pr es c ribe d for a client w it h a diagno s is of psorias i s.
Th e nur se monitor s the client, knowi ng that whi ch of the following wou ld
indi c a te t h e pr e s e nc e o f s y st e mic tox ic ity f r o m this me dic a tio n?
1. Tinnitus
1. Diarrhea
2. Constipation
3. De creased respirations
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