r^2 (coefficient of determination) - Answer: (SST-SSE)/SST = RSS/SST = explained
variation/total variation
MSE - Answer: SSE/(n-k-1)
MSR - Answer: RSS/k
adjusted R^2 - Answer: 1 - ((n-1)/(n-k-1))(1-R^2)
Akaike's information criterion (AIC) - Answer: n*ln(SSE/n)+ln(n)*(k+1)
F-statistic for nested models - Answer: ((SSEr-SSEu)/q)/(SSEu/(n-k-1)) with q and
n-k-1 degrees of freedom
F-stat for overall model fit - Answer: ((SSEr-SSEu)/q)/(SSEu/(n-k-1)) =
((SSTu-SSEu)/k)/(SSEu/(n-k-1)) =
Logistic regression (logit) models - Answer: ln(p/1-p) = b0+b1X1+b2X2+...+e
odds = e^y hat
P = odds/(1+odds) = 1/(1+e^-yhat)
Likelihood Ratio (LR) - Answer: -2(log likelihood restricted model - log likelihood
unrestricted model)
CFA Level II Formulas
Mean reverting level for AR(1) - Answer: b0 / (1 - b1)
normalized Xi - Answer: (Xi-Xmin)/(Xmax-Xmin)
Standardized Xi - Answer: (Xi-u)/SD
Accuracy - Answer: (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)
F1 Score - Answer: (2*P*R)/(P+R)
Recall (True positive rate (TPR)) - Answer: TP / (TP + FN)
Precision - Answer: TP / (TP + FP)
False positive rate (FPR) - Answer: FP / (FP + TN)
RMSE - Answer: sqrt((sum(predicted-actual)^2)/n)
value of a forward currency contract prior to expiration - Answer:
Vt=((FPt−FP)(contract size))/[1+R(days/360)]
Covered interest rate parity - Answer: F=([1+Ra(days/360)]/[1+Rb(days/360)])S0
uncovered interest rate parity - Answer: E(%ΔS)(a/b) = Ra − Rb
CFA Level II Formulas
Relative Purchasing Power Parity - Answer: %ΔS(A/B) = inflation(A) − inflation(B)
%ΔS(A/B) = change in spot price (A/B)
Interpolate - Answer: R1 + ((R2-R1)/(t2-t1))*(tn-t1)
output per worker - Answer: Y/L = T(K/L)^α
Growth accounting relation - Answer: growth rate in potential GDP = long-term
growth rate of technology + α (long-term growth rate of capital) + (1 − α) (longterm growth rate of labor)
growth rate in potential GDP = long-term growth rate of labor force + long-term
growth rate in labor productivity
neoclassical growth theory - Answer: sustainable growth of output per capita (g*)
equals growth rate in technology (θ) divided by labor's share of GDP (1 − α)
sustainable growth rate of output (G*) equals sustainable growth rate of output
per capita plus growth of labor (ΔL)
Funded status of plan - Answer: Fair value of plan assets - PBO
CFA Level II Formulas
Plan assets - Answer: Fair Value at beginning of year
+ Contributions
+ Actual Return
-Benefits Paid
= Fair value of plan assets at yr end
PBO - Answer: PBO at beginning of year
+ Service Cost
+ Interest Cost
+ Past Service Cost
+/- Actuarial losses/gains
- Benefits paid
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