1. What is an Eschatology?
a. A story of life after death, during Archaic Period
2. What is the Underworld?
a. Final home for mortals, no light, substance or hope/joy
b. Enter at extreme/inaccessible regions of the world
i. Must cross river (Ex. Styx) – boundary of life/death
ii. No escape, Hermes is Psychopomp that leads spirits
c. Controlled by Hades, Charon is ferry-man
i. Cerberus guards the gates
d. Later myths reflect idea of something better after death
i. Mystery religions hope for blessed afterlife
3. What are the 2 types of recompense for heroes?
a. Timé: awarded while alive, honour/recognition (ex. Precious objects,
best portions of feast)
b. Kleos: awarded after death, fame/glory (ex. Songs, monuments) –
“like after death”
4. What is Tartarus?
a. Lower than the Underworld, for the most horrible criminals:
i. Tityus: son of Zeus, tried to rape Leto, killed by her children
tied to ground with vultures eating his liver
ii. Tantalus: son of Zeus, stole divine food, tried to trick them
with serving his son Pelops to them
Eternally tantalized by food and drink
iii. Sisyphus: tied up Thanatos (“death”) so no one dies; Ares
untied him and “killed” Sisyphus
Tricked Hades; told wife not to do funeral rites so he
couldn’t go to Underworld; stayed on Earth until old age
Punished with pushing rock up-hill only for it to roll
iv. Ixion: first to kill own kin (father-in-law)
No god could cure his miasma, Zeus did and invited him
to feast w/ gods; tried to rape Hera
a. Replaced with cloud, produced Kentauros
Punished with wheel rolling over Underworld
5. The Odyssey Book 11
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