What is one important reason why the bed should remain wrinklefree? - CORRECT ANSWER to help keep the skin healthy and
prevent pressure sores
What is the term for a device that replaces a missing body pat? -
To convert four ounces of water to milliters (ml or mL), the nurse
assistant should multiply four by: - CORRECT ANSWER 30
Which of the following healthcare settings is for people who will
die in six months? - CORRECT ANSWER hospice
Which of the following abbreviations means "nothing by mouth"? -
Exercises that put each joint through its full arc of motion are
called: - CORRECT ANSWER range of motion
What is the medical term for high blood pressure? - CORRECT
ANSWER hypertension
What is a task that is outside the scope of practice for an NA? -
CORRECT ANSWER inserting tubes into a resident's body
Standard Precautions should be practiced - CORRECT
ANSWER on every single person in your care
Which kind of care helps restore a resident to the highest level of
functioning possible? - CORRECT ANSWER rehabilitation
If an activity is not listed on the care plan, what is the
responsibility of a NA? - CORRECT ANSWER The NA should
not perform the activity if it is not listed on the care plan.
Restraints can be applied: - CORRECT ANSWER only with a
doctor's orders
Generally, the last sense to leave a dying person is the sense of -
What is a normal range of a blood pressure? - CORRECT
ANSWER varies 119/75 is an example
Incontinence may be caused by: - CORRECT ANSWER
nervous system diseases
Standing with the legs shoulder-width apart is using - CORRECT
ANSWER good body mechanics
Aftr an amputation, a resident may experience phantom
sensation. Phantom sensation is - CORRECT ANSWER pain or
sensation caused by remaining nerve endings
How should a fracture pan be positioned? - CORRECT ANSWER
with the handle toward the foot of the bed
What does palliative care involve? - CORRECT ANSWER pain
relief and comfort
Nursing assistants do not usually perform procedures that require
- CORRECT ANSWER sterile technique
Insulin reaction can be caused by - CORRECT ANSWER too
little food
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