What are the four elements necessary to prove negligence in a court of law? -
ANSWER- Duty, breach of duty, injury or damage, and causation.
According to the First Law of Chest or Back Pain, "hurts to breath" should be
considered the same as difficulty breathing until proven otherwise. - ANSWERFalse, it is not considering difficulty breathing
A second-party caller reports that her 81 year-old just fell (ground level) and may
have broken her hip. During Case Entry, the caller reports the patient is awake and
breathing. In response to Key Question 2 on Protocol 17, the caller reports that the
patient was dizzy and may have fainted. What should you do next? - ANSWERShunt to Protocol 31
The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch recommends that emergency
dispatchers verify the address and callbcak number by repeating the information
back to the caller. - ANSWER- False, second verification requires them to repeat it
to you themselves least they just agree without whatever you repeat back and it is
the incorrect address
What is the most appropriate Chief Complaint Protocol to use when the complaint
description is a breathing-related tracheostomy (trach or stoma) problem in a
conscious patient - ANSWER- Protocol 6: Breathing Problems
What is the most appropriate Chief Complaint Protocol to use when the caller is
reporting autonomic dsyreflexia/hyperreflexia? - ANSWER- Protocol 26: Sick
Person (Specific Diagnosis)
The Priority Symptoms are...? - ANSWER- Abnormal breathing, chest
pain/discomfort (any), decreased level of consciousness, and serious hemorrhaging
A high school teacher reports that a 16 year-old student accidentally cut her finger
off in the workshop. There is some bleeding, but the bleeding is NOT serious. The
patient is alert, and the accident happened about 5 minutes ago. What is the most
appropriate Determinant Code? - ANSWER- 30-A-2 (not dangerous body area)
A second-party caller is reporting that her 10 year-old daughter accidentally cut
herself with a sharp knife and is now bleeding all over. The patient is awake and
breathing. In response to Key Question 1 on Protocol 21, the caller reports that the
patient is bleeding from her cheek. What should you do next? - ANSWER- Ask
Key Question 2
An alert, 38 year-old, first-party caller reports that she fell six feet (two meters)
from the top of a ladder about two hours ago. She is now experiencing severe back
pain and can NOT get out of her bed because of the pain. What is the most
appropriate Chief Complaint Protocol to use for this case? - ANSWER- Protocol
17: Falls
A third-party caller reports that a bus full of passengers just crashed into a large
tree. The caller has NO other about the incident. What is the most appropriate
Determinant Code? - ANSWER- 29-D-1B (major incident w/ multiple people or
need for increased resources for size of event)
A second-party caller reports that his 9 month-old just fell 12 feet (3.5 meters)
from a balcony. The caller reports that there is NO bleeding and that the patient so
completely alert, but he is worried because she hit her head. The patient has been
moved inside. What is the most appropriate Determinant Code? - ANSWER- 17-
D-6 (long fall, adult/child - 10-29 ft, infant - 6-29 ft)
MPDS words or phrases that have specific dispatch definitions are marked
using...? - ANSWER- All uppercase text, all capital letters
PDI-b on Protocol 6 has a pre-instruction qualifier of >1+E-1 or D-1,2,3. This PIQ
indicates that PDI-b should be given...? - ANSWER- Whenever the patient is 1
year-old or older and a 6-E-1, 6-D-2, or 6-D-3 determinant code is appropriate for
the case
An unconscious, non-breathing hypothermia patient should always be considered
an obvious death until proven otherwise. - ANSWER- False, 9-E-1 (not breathing
at all)
Key Question 1 on Protocol 16 is "is s/he completely alert (responding
appropriately)?" According to MPDS standards, it is acceptable to read this
question as "is she completely alert and responding appropriately?" - ANSWERFalse, it should be asked as two questions or with "responding appropriately " as a
clarifier to the initial question
What is the best definition of cervical cerclage? - ANSWER- A surgical procedure
meant to prevent premature dilation of the cervix and, therefore, premature labor
A second-party caller reports that his wife is in labor. He does not believe they can
get to the hospital in time.
Key Questioning finds: 39 weeks pregnant, can NOT see any part of the baby yet,
third full pregnancy and delivery, contractions 2 minutes apart, NO serious
bleeding, NO high risk complications.
What is the most appropriate Determinant Code? - ANSWER- 24-D-3 (imminent
delivery w/ greater than or equal to 6 months/24 weeks)
A second-party caller reports that an unconscious man is slumped over the steering
wheel of his car in a parking lot of her apartment complex. The caller does NOT
know if the patient is breathing. A note attached to the driver's side of the window
says "Warning! Dangerous chemicals inside!" What is the most appropriate
Determinant Code? - ANSWER- Protocol 8: Carbon
What is the best definition for "wake-effect collision"? - ANSWER- A traffic
accident caused by the passage of an emergency vehicle that does NOT directly
involve (hit) the emergency vehicle
A second-party caller is reporting an assault on a 26 year-old male patient. Key
Questioning finds: NO serious bleeding, completely alert, injuries to head and
chest, NO difficulty breathing (breathing normally), happened 30 mins ago
What is the most appropriate Determinant Code? - ANSWER- 4-B-1A (possibly
dangerous body area w/ assault)
The :/ with arrow symbol in the "Go To" column of a Chief Complaint Protocol
directs you to? - ANSWER- Use the Stroke Diagnostic Tool and return to